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Railway Department Recruitment 2018: Apply Online for 62907 Level 1 Posts

Railway Recruitment 2018: Total 62907 Vacancies in Railway Recruitment Boards

Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways invited online applications from Indian citizens for the posts of Helpers, Track Maintainers, Hospital Attendant, Gateman and Porter/Hamal/Sweeper cum Porter posts. The recruitment in Railway department includes all the Railway Recruitment Boards of India.

It’s a great opportunity for railway job seekers those who were searching for Railway group D recruitment, Railway employments, Vacancies in Railway, Bangalore Railway Jobs, etc., in search engines like google, bing, etc.



Level 01 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of Rs.18,000 + allowances


  1. For All Posts in Medical & Traffic Departments:
    1. 10th pass (OR)
    2. ITI from institutions recognized by NCVT/SCVT (OR)
    3. National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT
  2. For All Posts in Electrical, Engineering, Mechanical and S and T
    1. 10th pass + National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT (OR)
    2. 10th pass + ITI from institutions recognized by NCVT/SCVT

AGE LIMIT (As on 01.07.2018)

  1. Minimum Age : 18 Years Completed (Before 01.07.2000)
  2. Maximum Age: (Revised)
    1. General: 31 Years 33 Years (After 02.07.1983)
    2. SC/ST : 5 Years Relaxation (After 02.07.1980)
    3. OBC Non Creamy Layer : 3 Years Relaxation (After 02.07.1982)
    4. Others, please refer the official notification


  1. Computer Based Test (CBT)
  2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)


  1. All Female / Transgender / Minorities : Rs.250
  2. Economically backward class (Below Rs.50,000 Annual Income or BPL Card) : Rs.250
  3. SC / ST / Ex-Serviceman / PWDs. : Rs.250
  4. General & OBC Male Candidates: Rs.500
  5. Note: Fees of Rs.250 for candidates mentioned in Sl. No. 1, 2 & 3 here are fully refunded (after deducting applicable banking charges) upon attending Computer Based Test.
  6. Update (01.03.2018):
    1. Candidates those who paid Rs.500, also eligible to get Rs.400 refund after appearing CBT
    2. Fees for Modification of the application revised to Rs.100 (earlier Rs.250)
    3. For candidates those who have paid Rs.250 for modification of the application before 28.02.2018 will be eligible to get Rs.150 refund.


  1. Last Date for Online Registration : 12.03.2018 Extended up to 31.03.2018 before 11.59 pm
  2. Last Date for Fee Payments:
    1. Online Payment (Net Banking/Card) : 30.03.2018 before 10.00 pm
    2. SBI Challan : 27.03.2018 before 1.00 pm
    3. Postal Challan : 28.03.2018 before 1.00 pm
  3. Tentative Date of First stage Computer Based Test (CBT): : April and May 2018
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLY ONLINE” style=”rounded” url=”https://bengaluru.rrbonlinereg.in/” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#29c100″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-chain-broken” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION” style=”rounded” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/18/Railway-Recruitment-Group-D-2-2018.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#f98701″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-cloud-download” icon_type=”fa”]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”REVISED NOTIFICATION” style=”rounded” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/18/Railway-Recruitment-Group-D-2-2018-Revised.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#f98701″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-cloud-download” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. pooja says:

    Can b.com degree holdet apply for tis job?

    • Any candidates with minimum SSLC qualification can apply.

      • sachin says:

        Sir i applied for group d post on 21/02/2018 by 10th basis i belong to obc minority candidate there is any modification neccesary after new notification 28/02/2018

        • Minority and OBC Categories both are different. In Karnataka Minority categories like Christian, Muslim, Jains, Parsi, Sikh and Buddhists are comes under OBC Category but where as in Central list these castes will NOT come under OBC-NCL list. When, your caste will not appear in the OBC Central list, you have to choose as UR (Unreserved) category and you can choose ‘Minority’ in the specified place given in the application.

    • Manjunath N Makaravalli says:


    • Santosh Hiremath says:


  2. pooja says:

    Without iti can bcom holder aplly for tis?

  3. CHETHAN says:

    Sir,when will Tumkur DCC Bank will call Recruitment Notification..

  4. CHETHAN says:

    Sir, Tumkur DCC Bank yavaga recruitment notification call madthare ……..

  5. Prabhu says:

    When ksp civil constable announcing notification in 2018
    Plz inform me

  6. Mahesh metre says:

    Sir 10-01-2000 is my DOB (date of birth) sir can I applye this job

  7. Prasanna A says:

    Piease required the examination centers in requirement railway 62900 post

  8. Chandrappa D says:

    Dear sir
    I am ITI+ Diploma mechanical Holder. Railway requirement job two Post is there know(loco pilot& technicians),shall I apply Two post also or only one.
    please reply

    • You can apply for all the posts eligible accordingly your educational qualification. But you can apply to any one RRB (Example, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kerala, etc)

  9. madhu says:

    with out name &date on the photo is acceptable for this job

  10. Ankitha says:

    Sir can you please send the syllabus link sir. And pattern link also

  11. Prasanna.A says:

    Respected Sir ,
    Please find out the Online Examination centre in karnataka

  12. Kumar s says:

    Sir i have a BPL card and annual income is below 37000 then what is my fees

  13. sanjay says:

    what is the details for to apply the railway department

  14. SANJAY says:


  15. malatesh b pawar says:

    Sir I am filled registration process also post payment also made but application print not get sir

    My registration number::1480105769
    Date of birth [removed for security purposes]

    Please give solution

    • If you made payment in Post office, you have to wait 2 working days after payment at post office to confirm your payment. Once the payment confirmed, again login to the application and continue second part and final submit the application. Then only you can get the application print.

  16. guruprasad bv says:

    medical test eirutta

  17. Vijay says:

    Is there really hike in salary or not according to todays news of 7th CPC

  18. Nagaraj says:

    Sir please tell me exam date of bengaluru RRB GROUP D

  19. Kusuma says:

    157 is compulsory rewuiered for constable railway

  20. Manju says:

    Sir group d exam date yavaga barutte ?

  21. raju says:

    Hi it’s showing close

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