Diploma / ITI JobsPUC / 10+2 Jobs

Recruitment of Data Entry Operators in Grama Panchayath Offices of Karnataka State

Data Entry Operators in Grama Panchayats Recruitment of Karnataka Panchayatraj Dept. – 2017-18

Government of Karnataka, Panchatraj Department invites applications for recruitment of Data Entry Operators for every Grama Panchayat Offices in Karnataka State. Panchatraj Department of Karnataka notified to recruit one post each for every Grama Panchayat offices of Karnataka State through direct recruitment process. Eligible candidates may apply for the Data Entry Operator Posts available in the RDPR Department.


  1. Total Posts          : One Post in Each Grama Panchayat Office 
  2. Salary Range     : Not Specified. Please contact concerned PDO for details.

AGE LIMIT: (As on 30.11.2017)

  1. Minimum Age:       18 Years
  2. Maximum Age:
    1. General Category                  : 35 Years
    2. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B candidates    : 38 Years
    3. Cat-I, SC, ST candidates       : 40 Years
  3. Detailed Info check out official Information Booklet (Kannada Language)

Educational Qualifications:

  1. II PUC / ITI / 3 years Diploma Pass AND
  2. Minimum 3 month’s Computer Application Certificate from Central Govt. or State Govt. Approved Computer Training Institute OR
  3. Studied Computer Science as a subject in PUC/Diploma/Degree/Post Graduation

Application Fee:

  1. Rs.150 as Demand Draft (DD) or Postal Order taken in favor of Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) of the concerned Grama Panchayath

Selection Process:

  1. Candidates will be selected on the merit marks secured in the qualifying examination (i.e., II PUC/ITI/Diploma only)
  2. If currently working data entry operators, watermen, pump operator, pump mechanic, attender and cleaners apply to the posts will be eligible to get weightage of  3 marks for every year of service.



  1. Starting Date for Application Submission    : 15.11.2017
  2. LAST Date for Application Submission         : 30.11.2017 15.12.2017 Extended up to 30.12.2017

[mks_highlight color=”#fecb00″]This Recruitment Stayed until the Next Order 
(Please refer the Stay Notification below)[/mks_highlight]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Official Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/17/GP-Data-Entry-Operator.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Amendment Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/17/GP-Data-Entry-Operator-Amendment.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#905801″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLICATION FORM” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/17/GP-Data-Entry-Operator-Application.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”STAY Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/18/RDPR-GP-DTO-Letter-03-01-18.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#fc7941″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. manoj says:


  2. Maqsood arman says:

    Sir how we have to pay dd to pdo
    Whether in bank or pancchayth office

  3. Fayaz says:

    Sir yavadadaru grama panchayith ge apply madbodha and dd hege katodu plsss heli sir

  4. syed says:

    If two candidates scored same marks in puc exams and both are applied in same panchayath then they are select on what base please reply sir

  5. Nagaraj says:

    Someone telling that for GP post only puc candidate is eligible not diploma holder’s.. Pls sir clrify me.. ASAP

    • Please refer the educational qualifications (provided above with the description) or the official notification and the notification is allowed to Diploma holders as well.. We request you to don’t trust on someone’s words, rather refer the official notification. If still clarification needed, directly contact your nearby PDO.

  6. Mangala says:

    Sir how we have to pay dd.

    • Steps to get DD
      1) Take Money and Go to any Nationalized Bank near to you
      2) Request Bank’s Manager/Officer to give you a DD (Fill Challan, Pay money at Cash Counter in Bank and wait till clerk hand over your DD to you)

      Note: You have to take the DD in the name of PDO …………Panchayath (please fill the name of panchayath, where you are applying)

  7. Kishan says:

    pls let us know the salary

  8. Ranjitha E says:

    Sir, For which address we have to pay D/D ?

  9. Udaykumar says:

    can we apply online???
    pls let us know….

  10. Mrutyunjaya says:

    Sir onde gram pamchayath Alli aste apply madbeka or ondakinda jasti gram panchayath ge apply madboda

    • ನಿಮ್ಗೆ ಬೇಕಾದಷ್ಟು ಗ್ರಾಮ ಪಂಚಾಯತಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿರುವ (ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯದೊಳಗಿರುವ) ಹುದ್ದೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಅರ್ಜಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಬಹುದು. ಒಂದಕ್ಕಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಅರ್ಜಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಲು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾದ ಅರ್ಜಿಯ ಜೊತೆಗೆ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾದ ಡಿಡಿ ಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ನೀವು ಅರ್ಜಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಬಯಸುವ ಗ್ರಾಮ ಪಂಚಾಯತಿಯ ಪಿಡಿಓಗೆ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದು.

  11. Vinay says:

    Where is the link

  12. Raju says:

    Sir e job ge selection na tender mele illa permanent agi madkolta idara??? Mathe e job Alli promotion irutha????

  13. vijetha shetty says:

    Sir online Alli hege apply madodu anta heli plz

    • ಈ ಮೇಲಿನ ಹುದ್ದೆಗೆ ಆನ್‍ಲೈನ್‍ನಲ್ಲಿ ಅರ್ಜಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದು ಅಸಾಧ್ಯ

      • Arunna says:

        Sir nan bangalore district avru nan tumkur or shivamoga district nalli ero yavdadru grama panchayath nalli apply madbahuda, address change edru henu agalva sir

  14. Nagaraj says:

    Online exam irutta sir

  15. Amith says:

    Sir Apply madoke minimum yestu percentage erbeku.

  16. Vidhya says:

    Applicants from Mangalore City where we have to apply or which Grama Panchayath belongs to

    • Please note, Mangalore City is comes under City Corporation, so you have to go towards any of your preferred Grama Panchayath’s (Apart from City Corporation/Town Corporation/Muncipality)

  17. Ramesh says:

    Sir date mundake hakidra

  18. JNANESH says:


    • No Jnanesh.. You have to apply through marks secured in PUC/ITI/Diploma only. But, you can include degree mark cards while applying.

      • JNANESH says:


  19. Basavarj says:

    Please give application form

  20. Arun says:

    What s the salary structure..

  21. Manjunath says:

    Sir, it’s government job or not

  22. Parveen says:

    sir is computer application certificate mandatory? coz i have been working in computer and have computer knowledge but i don’t have any certificate to produce. will i be eligible to apply pls reply. my qualification is B.com, i would like to apply on basis on PUC.

    • You must produce Computer Certificate OR alternatively, if you had Computer Science as a Subject in PUC/Degree, you are exempted to produce Computer Certificate.

  23. Ramesh says:

    Sir ,,nanu 150 Rs .postal order tagondideni adane post madbeku athava by hand pdo hand ge kodabeku pls heli Sir ..from Hospet

  24. Udaykumar says:

    Sir, what are all the documents needs to be attached with the application form??

  25. Manjunathreddy says:

    Panchayath Jobs how to apply online

  26. Kavya T B says:

    What is the salary struchure please tell me sir.

  27. Megha says:

    Send the link to download application form

  28. muruli k n says:

    sir, postal order alli dd tagobahudu allva

  29. Hariprasad says:

    Sir please give a clarification what name we mentioned in dd is it pdo name or grama panchayath name

  30. Apoorva Dileep says:

    How many days it will take to process for section after applying to the job??

  31. Hariprasad says:

    We r mentioning Pdo name or not I ln dd plz give a answer

  32. RANI H B says:

    last date is November 30 or it is extended upto December 15 ?
    please confirm sir

  33. RANI H B says:

    last date to apply for data entry job in grama panchayat

  34. Archana says:

    Sir data entry operator post ke liye form ke saat caste certificate nahi rahato chalega Kay, I q ki caste certificate bananekeliye 1 month lagega.

  35. Archana says:

    Sir form jotege caste certificate compulsory na.

  36. usha says:

    sir nanu diploma computer science & engg madiddu. but P.U.c agilla.After S.S.L.C admele diploma.so na e job ge apply madbahuda sir?

  37. Apoorva Dileep says:

    Is date extended to apply for the job up to nxt month 15th???

  38. sudheendra says:

    Diploma just complete

  39. PAVITHRA says:

    Is this Gov job. Or Contract Base?
    If it is Contract Base What Facility we have?
    Pls let me know

  40. RAKESH says:


  41. ASFIYA SIMRAN says:


  42. N R Raghavendra. says:

    Sir jasti marks bandiddare adun kelagittu rajakeeia nedeyuttante hiuda please sir reply madi……

    • ನಮಗೆ ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲಾ ದೇವ್ರೇ… ನೀವೇ ಅದರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಮ್ಗೂ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ತಿಳಿಸಿ..

      • Raghavendra N R says:

        Sir idu govt job mat salary estu . Sir please reply madi . Adu nanu kellidda modalane doubt yaro heludru adu nijana….

  43. Mahendra N says:

    Date postponed agidiya

  44. Kavya says:

    Sir I have one doubt, if my village and our gram panchayat also same, if any preference is there for local peoples???

  45. vijaylaxmi says:

    SIR ,
    someone said that the last date to fill the application from is extended …. is it true …
    please tell me

  46. malashetty says:

    which adress to send my resume and documents plz help me

  47. jayasheela says:

    this is govt job or contract basis

  48. IRANNA says:

    is it govt job

  49. Kalavathi l says:

    Sir application submission ge last date extend agidya 15th December ge

  50. Shivaraj says:

    Is the info abt last-date extension is true?

  51. Subramani says:

    Sir JOC (Job oriented course) Candidates Apply the 10+ 2 all jobs please reply to me

  52. Abdul says:

    Sir ITI percentage and diploma du compare madbedi yakandre diploma is equal to degree merit mele nodi choice madbeku but ITI davaru dudd kottu 99 tagondirtare adre diploma students percentage kadmi idre en madbeku

    • Manjunatha jk says:

      Nothing can we do

    • Srinidhi says:

      It’s mainly on Merit..who is having highest marks..for them they’ll give the job.. Comparison of PUC, Diploma,ITI..

    • sudhakar says:

      sir i passed diploma commercial practice ,but i don’t have eny compueter certificates can i apply this job

    • rajesh says:

      Yava uru appa swami ninu, chance aikide antha apply madod bittu argue madtidiya. Diploma degree ge equal agola yar helid ninge equal antha … Degree in the sense b.com, b.a. bsc, etc.

    • suresh says:

      hello sir,i t i students yelru dudd kotte percentage madkoltare anta tilkobedi kasta pattu odi percentage madkolloru irtare kelavobru I T I certificate goskara college ge hogirtare innu kelavobru kelsa kalibeku anta hogtare. yelrunu onde tara compare madbeda

    • RamuA says:

      Hello bro it allinu niyattagi exam bariyoru ertare namdu only 90 agide hagant iti tagadre niyattagi it madidavirge value elva

  53. Azam khan says:

    Pls tell me. Pay scale of this job..

  54. Aqeel says:

    Sir institute computer certificate agutta

    • Srinidhi says:

      Howdu Agutte..

      • gowthu says:

        Sir / madem,
        This job is purely government job ah. And ella govt workers thara iduva athva non govt ah plz heli..

  55. Manu M says:

    Sir. I am physically handicapped person and I am completed diploma in 3yrs.so plz any information about karnataka Government jobs

  56. Rudramuni P.B. says:

    Sir please inform me is this purely government job or not sir

    • Srinidhi says:

      Ya..it’s purely a Government job

      • Rudramuni says:

        This recruitment is done on without Reservation hence i am fully confused is it govt job or not

        • Be happy for that! Since only one post available in every Grama Panchayath, the selection will be done purely on merit basis.

      • Vishnu says:

        Somebody creating romours as this is contract based job…not govt job…
        Is it .?

      • DAYA says:

        How can u say it is purely govt job

  57. Chethan says:

    After taking the DD , To whom we should send the application?

    Please provide the apply process briefly.? and what are the documents to be attached?

    • Srinidhi says:

      150 rupees DD should be made in Name of PDO,__ Panchayat…then DD, Attested 10th,2pu, Computer literacy certificate & application form,photo should be submitted in Grama Panchayat office…

      • Ramya K says:

        Should we need to submit computer literacy certificate even if we have taken PCMCs in PUC

        • If you have studies Computer Science as a subject, Computer Literacy Certificate is not a mandatory document as per the official notification.

  58. Sumanth says:


  59. ranjith says:

    Sir i have percentage in pu but i dont have computer certificate i m eligible or not pls reply sir

  60. Fakeerappa says:

    You give waste links means you did not give proper web link.it take us unusual sites .

    • We regret for the inconvenience caused. But, all the links were correctly provided here. Only the thing is the third party advertisement channels override the original links.

  61. Akhil says:

    Please conduct exam and qualified them

  62. Praveen says:

    Diploma in mechanical brach avru apply maadboda

  63. Kavana shashidhar says:

    If two candidates of same pu percentage apply what is the selection process sir

  64. Kavana shashidhar says:

    How is the selection process if two candidates are having same score pls rply

  65. Subani says:

    SSLC computer certificate chalega….

  66. Kavana shashidhar says:

    Yaav basis mele ibbrudu onde marks iddre select maadtira

  67. Santhosh m says:

    Sir nanu 3B caste candidate.. Application form jote caste and income certificates compulsory na sir

  68. shainaj says:

    where should we submit our form and xerox documents for data entry operator post.

  69. Bharath m s says:

    Sir Data entry na Kannada dali typing madoda or English nali typing madbeka plz reply madi sir ???

  70. gururaj says:

    sir i am working in data entry in a private sector for 2 years so add a weightage is there are not plz rply sir

  71. Kavya says:

    Sir please send your helpline number

  72. Megha says:

    Sir 15th is last date ?? can i apply tomorrow ???please tell me

  73. Kavya says:

    Sir I did one mistake, Actually I already applied but my computer certificate not registered in government, but I have degree marks card in computer science, Can I exchange now, It is possible sir… please tell me early. Tomorrow is last please tell me sir……………………………………..

      • Praveen says:

        Sir selection process yavaga start agutthe

      • Saiyad says:

        When is the last date sir..

      • gururaj says:

        Today is last or not sir pls tell me…….

      • Kavya says:

        Sir, you told you can replace the computer marks card, But yesterday I went to gram Panchayat office they said, we can’t exchange and They didn’t received computer certificate, now What I will do…..?Sir……

        • Why do you wish to exchange? Why can’t you add additional qualification (Degree Mark Card) document to your already submitted application? Request your PDO to add/include your missed additional qualification document to the application.

          But, keep in mind that, the final discretion is up to the PDO.

  74. Shilpashree says:

    Sir percent mele select madthara..

  75. gururaj says:

    Sir today is last date…….rply me plz

  76. Saiyad says:

    Sir when is the last date to apply for this job….someone said last date is december 31..so i confused plz tel sir…

  77. rajappa says:

    joc computer course + BA pass
    this qualification is not eligible for deo

  78. Pavan says:

    Sir please tell me that selection process will be done as per order copy means in the month of January or wat it takes time reply from please

  79. Guru k says:

    Sir completed my diploma in e and c but i learned computer exam in 1st sem but already submitted 6th sem marks card .So any problems……

  80. Ramu says:

    Is again date is extended

  81. Manjushree says:

    Sir may I know when the results will come?????

  82. rajappa says:

    Joc Computer tech + BA is eligible or not for deo please tell me sir

  83. Gurudas says:

    Is this true sir that last date of submission of form is extended up to 30/12/2017

  84. Prasad says:

    When will announce selection list

  85. Gurudas says:

    Why they are extending last dates again and again ……..?????

  86. shashidhar naika k says:

    Hii sir if they give first priority to local community candidate
    Plz reply me sir

    • Yes.. but selection is based on merit only..

      • shashidhar naika k says:

        Hi sir when the result going to announce plz tell me sir plz provide the helpline number

        • There is particular helpline number for this recruitment. Since the responsibility is given to PDO’s of every Grama Panchayath’s you can directly approach to your nearby PDO (Grama Panchayath Office) for assistance.

  87. Suraj says:

    It is a government job or contract basis job please tell me

  88. Raj K says:

    sir this data operator job government or other contract based job
    plz reply me………

  89. Raj says:

    sir selection list yavaga gotagutte
    plz……reply me sir

    • Vittal says:

      Sir nandu computer 48h matra Ede .adake yan madabeku?
      Adanu avaru becika anthidare.
      Nanu yan madabeku helatilla?plz

  90. gajanand says:

    namaste sir
    super sir the alert messaging

  91. Raghavendra N R says:

    why they are extanding the last date of this job again and agian ….? pleas reply madi sir ………..

  92. Siddesh says:

    Bere gp ge ONDE kade apply MADBOWDA

  93. KAVYA says:

    Sir may I know, when the results will come????

  94. DAYA says:

    Sir many pepoles asked this is govt job or not but you are not answered plz tell me sir it is govt or contract basis job sir why they didn’t give salary range ppz inform me it govt job or not

    • You have provided with the Official Notification (Available in this page itself).. Please refer..

      • Chandupv says:

        Sir plzzz tell me results date…..

      • Raghavendra N R says:

        sir yavaga verification kareyodu . notificastion nalli neevu horadisiruva time table tara nena or berena . please reply madi sir…..

      • DAYA says:

        Sir the official notification also dnt give the informatuon regarding wheather it is govt job or not we fully confused
        If it is govt job the give the salary range i.e 10+2 11600
        But they dont give the salry range the told kanista vethana

        If it is contract based job why they give DA and other facilities

        Sir this is the life question plz infotm me sir it is govt job or not
        We will hope sir you will be answerd
        This is 560+ applicants question ppz inform me soon ppz sir

        • The process of the Recruitment of Data Entry Operator is directly done Zilla Panchayaths followed by the Karnataka State Government’s Order.

          It also to be noted that, the govt. order directs to every Grama Panchayath’s with the approval from respective Zilla Panchayath CEO to create one post of Data Entry Operator and recruit the candidate with minimum standard of pay as prescribed by the Labour Department. Along with the Basic Pay and DA, Probationary Period, Disciplinary Authority, ESI, Leave Facilities, Retirement Facilities, Posthumous Provisions and other facilities as described in Govt.’s official reminder dated 04.01.2008 and Govt. Order dated 10.09.2014 are applicable to the selected candidates. (You can refer this in the official notification and their amendments)

          This clearly states that, the said recruitment is purely Government Recruitment.

          For further assistance, please consult your nearby PDO.

          • Gurudas says:

            Thanks sir

          • DAYA says:

            Thank u sooo much sir we are very happy.
            Thank u coastal hut team your quick response we haertly thank u sir….

          • DAYA says:

            Sir thank u sir in this job any HRA and MA and promotions availble or not sir…. Plz sir dont mind

          • We recommend you to directly contact the Panchayath Development Officer (PDO) for all your further queries and you can get the official responses too..

          • DAYA says:

            Sir try to understand my situation sir the PDO’s also dont know the information sir because we ask you sir
            Kindly inform me sir plz

          • We are not pretty sure with the promotion details as you have asked.. But, it is sure that, for every recruitment of higher position in Panchayathraj Department, the currently working (If you selected, you also) will be given first priority in the selection.

          • DAYA says:

            Sir i got 91 percent in puc still studying b.com final year
            If i select GP data entry operator i can go or continue my studies sir….ppz inform me i do wat u r say…
            Your faithfully

          • You must know that… Education can be done at any point of time in your life. But Govt. Employments do not wait for you..

  95. Megha Patil says:

    Sir when result will coming….???

  96. Chandupv says:

    Sir plzzz tell me results date…..

  97. Guru k says:

    Sir when you will display the results….

  98. Kavya says:

    Sir am asked 3 times but you didn’t reply… sir please tell me when the result will come…?????

  99. PRATHI says:

    dear sir…… still am waiting for the result of GP. but one clarification ,GP job is purely govt job or contract base ha….. and also dont give salary per month…? u must inform this question mana request sir please

  100. Gurudas says:

    Sir job training is there ??

  101. Swamy says:

    Sir in the data entry operator job in GP
    They open SR

  102. Pavan says:

    Is DEO post is stayed??

  103. Pavan says:

    Reply sir

  104. Pavan says:

    They showed in tv9 channel ,so confused tel me that they stayed or what???

  105. Mounesh says:

    Sir will you please tell me why the data entry operator selection process is too late?

  106. Vanajakshi says:

    Sir is the data entry jobs is stayed pls reply me sir

  107. Raghavendra N R says:

    Yak pade pade heege late processing agtide, please govt bega deo post tagoli esto candidate kaytiddare please late madbedi sir process munduvaresi please…….

  108. Rashmi says:

    Plz Tel me recruitment process is going on….or???

  109. Kallappa dk says:

    Hi sir when it is stored selection process

  110. Pavan says:

    Please tel me sir . is that selection process is going on

  111. Gurudas says:

    Why u R not replying…..

    Is that selection process is going on or not ??

  112. Gurudas says:

    Coastalhut team is very efficient..

    But now they are not updating themselves.

    • Mr. Gurudas (and.. all other job seekers on the same mindset),

      One thing you must know that, CoastalHut Team never publishes rumors or at their own views. Our team publishes only the officially available information to assist the job seekers.

      Further, the team is taking utmost effort to update all the essential aspects of the recruitment (at their own cost… that too without any sponsoring!)

      So, finally.. you may comment/request “n” times for non-available/non-official information.. we do not respond for such enquiries till we receive the official note on that.

      Thanks for the support.

  113. Rashmi says:

    Is the recruitment process is going on….plz Tel me

  114. Rashmi says:

    If the computer certificate is not govt recognised….but he got highest percentage in p u c….what they will do…and also for diploma students whether they take the overage of 3 years….or they will take only final year marks……plz reply for this

    • For your first question, you may contact your PDO.

      Regarding the second query, the marks of all the semesters/years of the diploma is considered. Not the final semester/year.

    • AMARESH Nayak says:

      Rashmi thumb a……tension thagobeda……..k

  115. Rudramuni P.B. says:

    Sir please imform me The DEO Post is stayed or not and tell me the reason far stayed

  116. Kallappa dk says:

    All of u bro and sisters .
    Plz nivu nimma pdo avar bali kelidag yavaga selection process start agutye anndru
    Reply fast

  117. Kavya says:

    Sir innu esht dina agutte results baroke…. we are waiting sir….. please reply madi…

  118. Pavan says:

    Recruitment process is going or not sir please tel sir
    Carrrer sir pls

  119. shashidhar naika k says:

    Hii sir when u going to announce the selection list whether it is stayed or not

  120. Manju says:

    Sir deo post is stayed?

  121. Pavan says:

    Any updates regarding results sir??

  122. Pavan says:

    Any updates regarding DEO results???

  123. Arun says:

    When is the data entry selection list uploaded sir

  124. Kavya says:

    May I know, when we can expect the result??? please reply me…. result will come or not….

  125. DAYA says:

    First highest marks irorna selwct madkotiv andru ega exam reservation modlu specificag helbeku govt order madthu alva ega stay madidare govt vacant madsde en madtide yak anyaya madtidira ella applicantsge
    Heg beko hage order change madidre nammanthavr enn madbeku sir coastalhut team neevu saha adara bagge information collect madi svalpa process agutha athva agalva antha election hattiradallide so plz

  126. Gurudas says:

    Sir please reply……….
    Why they are taking this much time to publish the results ??????

    What are those reasons behind this ??

    • We are unable to find the official notes for the requested information

      • DAYA says:

        Sir vacant agutha agalva nam money refund madthara illa andre

      • Kumar says:

        Please Give me helpline number sir

      • Disha says:

        Hello Sir,
        I cant understand what is happening, Is govt playing with us? No any official information about this means, they are not interested to recruit.

  127. Gurudas says:

    [This comment removed by the Chief Editor of CoastalHut.com, as it violates the concept of this website.]

    • It is clarifying that, this is not the platform for discussion on the opinions shared in the media. Our team takes all efforts to gather the officially and legally binding notifications related to the recruitment process in all the aspects. This website will not allow to copy and paste contents from others authors. But, all the users here are allowed to comment/share their own opinions on related to the posts published by us.

  128. mady says:

    Dear, coastal hut team
    i ve already applied for this data entry job in grama panchayath

    but when will be the selection list notification displayed

  129. prakash says:

    govrtment money maadiddu paapada vidyarthigalannu

  130. Roja Y B says:

    When does they are announce results?

  131. kallappa says:

    sir budget nalli ivattu siddaramayyanavaru gram panchayat yalli 5 koti idakke budget …… sir plz tell what’s cm tells

  132. KAVYA says:

    Sir results barutta?? or baralva?? reason kuda helade sumne idre yar responsibility idakke matte yake notification release madidru???? Please answer madi….

    • Please ask the same to Government of Karnataka. Because, it’s their notification!

      • DAYA says:

        Sir this is our kindly request u dont know about the particular job information then plz u dont publish these type of jobs in your website we are not discussion abot political and ……..
        Our sincior request plz collect the information of this particular job sir u have no right to ask the govt regarding these post

        We r the poor family background we apply more than 6 GP s how we earn money so plz recruit other wise give our money back

        • Mr. Dayanand, We appreciate your thankfulness!!!

          Please read our disclaimer (you may find on end of every post). We’ve made it available clearly visible every time to all the users of CoastalHut.com website.

          Note: Please consider this website as an information website and not any of the government’s agency. We are not working as middleman between applicants and the government. You must observe that, without written evidence, we do not publish anything here. We are also never publishing fake/rumors here. If any misleading information or copyright infringement found published here you may take us to the court of law of the land.

          Further, we are not posting any job related notification here by charging any amount to the users here. And also we are not collecting single rupee from the government/any departments to publish their department job advertisements. It’s totally free forever, our parent company only manages all the costs for hosting, publishing and maintaining the entire site from their own pocket.

          If our team doesn’t have the sufficient information, we are not hesitating to say “We’re sorry. Contact the concerned helpline/department for further details/assistance” and.. instead we never share our own thoughts in such situations.

      • Channegowda C says:

        Dear Sir/Madam

        Please send the candidates comments to the governament. Atleast please tell what is the problem for recruitement why it is stayed. All the candidates are make a expendature on behallf of this job and waiting for this job. So please specify whats the matter??????????

        • Sunil k says:

          Guru nima number send madi Nana no {contact number removed for privacy}

      • Channegowda says:


        Hagiddamele neevu fake announcement madudra.Please sir e huddeya nemakathi enagide embudanna thilisi.yake stay agide ? Yavaga Recruitement nadeyutte? Abhyarthigalu kayuthiddare. Ellaru application feesge money karch madiddare. Please public commentsna govt ge send madi, information needi please. atleast exam nadru kodi. Please………….

    • madhu says:

      Yanu gottagtailla kanri wait madodu bittu bidi naanu aplication hakini kanri

  133. Channegowda C says:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I know your problem but you please send the public coments to official notification provider and then they realise and passed a resolution for recruitement proses of DEOs in Gramapanchayath. Please take a action. Candidates are waiting for recruitement.

    • Channegowda,

      Hope you are not aware of the legal systems of the country.

      If all the applicants collectively approached Government, the Govt. should answer. Otherwise, group of applicants may plea with the court of law.

  134. Pavan says:

    Please its request from all to give information about regarding results
    Coastal hut team u having good communication rather than all so v requesting give information regarding results please

    • Since we not so much network for each and every Grama Panchayath’s it’s impossible for us to give you the result here. We’re sorry. Please contact your Zilla Panchayath, CEO for assistance or further official information and recruitment process.

  135. Suhas says:

    Sir govt of Karnataka take stay on this what is the reason plz tell me sir

    • Please share the link of official letter or the official paper notification on the stay. We’ll also try to understand..

      • Channegowda C says:

        Dear sir,

        Please give the information about recruitement prosess. All the candidates are waiting for job recruitement. Please tell whats happened in this recruitement ? why it is stayed ?

  136. kallappa says:

    sir ivella screen shot madi Facebook ge haktin plz reply me

  137. Gurudas says:

    U can contact them through this :-

    Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
    3rd Gate, 3rd Floor
    MS Building

    Principal Secretary, RDPR – 080 -22353929
    Principal Secretary, PR – 080 -22384574
    Commissioner (RD) – 080 – 22372738
    Director (Panchayat Raj) – 080 – 22353925
    Email- rdpr.info@gmail.com

    • Kavya says:

      Tq.. Gurudas, I have emailed them.. Let’s see.. Wt they ll reply

  138. Gurudas says:

    Please Obtain information and share to all

    • Kavya says:

      I have mailed them… But I didn’t reply to mail…. Now wt to do?? U do have any other way to contact them???

  139. Pavan says:

    Anybody cald to helpline number
    What they told ?

    • sunitha says:

      I was called to helpline they told we don’t know anything about it…. We also waiting for government order like that

  140. Arun says:

    Sir Innu yavag selection list bidtare hold agiddu tagotara illva?

  141. Gurudas says:

    When they will publish the results ??

    Everyone is waiting for results , no any notification , any news about it .

    Please reply us sir

    • Channegowda C says:

      Mr Garudas

      You only give the contact details of rdpr then why you never get information about recruitement of deo

    • Channegowda C says:

      Mr Garudas

      You only give the contact details of RDPR Department then why you never get the information about recruitement process.

      • Gurudas says:

        Because it’s not available at any source of information
        Got it

        • Channegowda C says:

          It’s ok Mr.Gurudas but how we get the information.

          All the candidates are make a expendature on this recrruitement. I am in poor family and applied more than 6 Gramapanchayath. So simply money will be wasted and all the candidates are think to get a job. But why the govt played between the poor candidates.


          Dear Coastalhut teem

          Please provide the information about this recruitement

          • Gurudas says:

            Same yaar I am also from a poor family, I am a son of farmer. I also applied for 10 Panchayats .
            But seeing this situation I think that I simply wasted my money.

            Govt. Also start exploiting public

  142. Gurudas says:

    Injustice with all candidates….

    No any notification
    Cause may be there but at least they should inform to the pdo or through official notification

    • Channegowda C says:

      Dear Candidates

      Govt give the permanent job to the candidates who are alredy working in the Grama Panchayath as a Computer Operator.

      Please see the 16 th February 2018 notification of RDPR circular

  143. sunitha says:

    When it will be refresh…. Or recall…. So many students and their families are waiting …please inform us

  144. sunitha says:

    Sir last year also I applied this job in one gramapanchayat…PDO sir commenced computer exam I got high score then I have highest percentage in PU also but finally they selected local candidate…. It’s was disturbed… So for that reason tell me how can will selection process will go

  145. Ganesh says:

    Sir yavga list madtare..edru information sari age gotta agtila..bidtara illva

    • Channegowda C says:


      Navella e reethi portal nalli coment maduttha kulithare prayojanavilla ellaru ottagi hogi CM ge arji kottu avarige namma kastagalannu helona adakkagi e kelasakke arji hakiruva ella abhyarthigalu ondagabeku..

      Nodi ellaru omme mukhyamanthrigalannu beti madona…..

    • RAKESH says:

      yavaga bidtahre sir

  146. rohithgowda says:

    Dear candidates

    Please meet cm

  147. Rohithgowda says:

    Dear candidates

    Rdpr department has established a law committee to decide for a Hyderabad reservation and computer knowledge for an examination three months ago but they didn’t conducted a meeting till now.better all of aspirents make a group and meet the CM as soon as possible this is the only way they can process recruitment

    U people can share u r wts up numbers and make a group discuss u r self and meet the CM or else go for the court.

    As per the recent judgement from supreme court recruitment should be completed within the six months period.

    All the best

  148. Rakesh says:

    When sir

  149. Sunil says:

    Bani yalru hogi CM meet Madona

  150. RAKESH says:

    sir yavaga result gothaguthe

    • Channegowda says:

      Job bekandre ellaru ondagle beku ellaru nim phone no coment madi

  151. RAKESH says:

    plz any updats

    • Sunil k says:

      Guru yavathu hogonna cm meet madoke

    • Sunil k says:

      Guru yavathu hogonna cm meet madoke
      Cm meet admele avaru yanu madlila andhre next choice court hogona

  152. DAYA says:

    All my dear frnds vacant agide data entry opeartor job dont worry…

  153. DAYA says:

    Helo all job seekers data entry vacant agide dont worry!!!

  154. DAYA says:

    Hello coastal hut team vacant agidyanthe data entry job svalpa nodi heli

  155. Roja Y B says:

    Hello sir, yavdo court order bandidyanthalla, adra bagge swalpa vicarage helthiraa

  156. Roja Y B says:

    Vivarane needthiraa

  157. Divya says:

    Any updtes regarding data entry opertr jobs?

    • Sunil says:

      Mr Daya
      Nim wts up number Kodi

      Nandu {contact number removed for privacy}

    • DAYA says:

      Ha mathe deo post vacant agide 371j prakara h.k mesalathi illa antha heli thade madidru amele ega mathe yav panchayatig serirtharo abhyartigalu ade panchayathge apply madiroralli yard highest irutho avrn select madi antha mathe adesh horabiddide

      • Guruprasad Hegde says:

        Sir nimge yav source inda gottaytu heli plz. Elladru official notification idya heli.

      • Rashmi says:

        @daya….nimge gottagiro information correctaaa?yav panchayitige seriro abyartiglanna alle select madtaraa?

      • Vinaykumar says:

        Is it true sir

  158. Ganesh says:

    Sir swalpa information heli.court li declar agide antala adru baggi helI. .

  159. Deepika says:

    pls any updates sir…all are waiting..

  160. Ramya Raj says:

    Hydrabad karnataka side li erorige faver hago tara agide navella en madbeku heli
    CM sir na meet madoke navu hogbeku ankond edivi yavatu anta heli navu bartivi…

  161. Roopa says:

    Any updates deo post all students are waiting …

  162. Roopa says:

    Bega deo post process Madi Ella candidates kaythidare

  163. DAYA says:

    Coastal hut enadru rply madi…. Idira ilva

  164. Roopa says:

    Deo post process Madi plz

  165. Roopa says:

    Deo post process Madi p

    • Divya says:

      Tel me pls any updtes regrdng deo post ? ……….job cl ma
      DI yak wait mdtidare

  166. Ganesh says:

    E tara comments madta edre enu agala..first problam tilkodu amele cm met agi nam problam helbeku

  167. Rakesh says:

    bani cm meet madona

  168. Roopa says:

    Ivru Enu reply madalla nav heege Sumnidre aste 5 months Aythu process madtharo heege kaystharo news paper li Aksi avagladru gamansthare Ella Illa Andre heege irbekaguthe

  169. Roopa says:

    Bari comment madthane irbedi Dear frds

  170. Shruti says:

    Any updates deo post tilididdare information kodi pls.

  171. DAYA says:

    Ellardu group madkolli sir khanditha hog barona

  172. Ganesh says:

    Frds nau cm meet madbeku andre elaru ondu agbeku..adke nim no daya email ge kalse nau group madive adrli niu serkodre ondu date time nodkodu ogbwdu yar edgre interest itu bega no kalse

  173. Ajay k v says:




  174. guru says:



  175. Pavan says:

    Asked in taluk office they Telng that they don’t have official paper regarding this new statement so pls conform is it fake or wat?

  176. Pavan says:

    Taluk office alli kelidre namge yen gothela antha heltare yavdu neja antha gotha agtha Ela stay vacant agedia? Yavag official notification barutti ?

  177. kavya says:

    Dear Coastal hut team,

    Hope you are doing great, Did you get any updates on GP DEO recruitment? because so many students are waiting from 7 months, means they waited their half year including me, please let us know when they will start the selection process because this is our Life so help us to get the updates.. we are waiting for your reply

    • Dear Miss Kavya,

      Kindly don’t expect any reply from CoastalHut Team, without having any strong and valid source of information with us.

      We do respond only with reference to the official notifications or updates. This help us NOT to misguide any candidates refer this website and keep this site with greater quality.

      Thank you for understanding us!

  178. Sabiha banu says:

    When nd how much time it will be taken for selection procedure sir🤔🤔🤔

  179. kallappa DK says:

    Am kallappa DK kudarimani
    Am also apply this job am alson waits for 7 months but anyone do not tell carrect information therefore I have one plane. …..plz my number {removed contact detail for privacy} this watsapp number so dear freinds plz create one watsapp group that’s solved one by one

  180. Zahur says:

    What happen about grampanchayat how much time taken to stay release .. Please can any update

  181. Shruti says:

    CM meet madidare help agabahudu

  182. Vinay Trikani says:

    Sir grama Panchayat data entry operater stay agiddu continue agbeku anta helidru innu yake sumnidare enadru information kodoke agutta please

  183. Soundarya says:

    Hi sir
    Y r u late for recruitment,
    Vn u take this, plz inform Sir
    It is too late

  184. Basava says:

    Any information about deo

  185. ಚನ್ನ says:

    ಈ ತಿಂಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಡೇಟಾ ಎಂಟ್ರಿ ಆಪರೇಟರ್ ಹುದ್ದೆಯ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ ನಡೆಯುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ರೀತಿಯ ಸಾಧ್ಯತೆಗಳಿವೆ

  186. Kiran says:

    Hello sir, any updates?when will recruitment process starts?
    Please reply.

  187. Kiran says:

    Any updates?when will recruitment process statrs?
    Please reply sir…

  188. kiran bhat says:

    Any updates?when will recruitment process starts?

  189. Abhi says:

    Any updates

  190. Abhi says:

    Any updates regarding deo jobs?

  191. Gurudas says:

    1 year gone in this recruitment process…… What they r doing by staying recruitment in court. If they r not able to solve it. Karnataka is very dull govt. System.

  192. Gurudas says:

    1 year taken for a small recruitment of data entry operator. What a worst Karnataka govt. ?? Thu……….

  193. Srinivasa m says:

    When you have release the data entry operator post in gram panchayat

  194. Kavya says:

    Any updates regarding data entry post in GP?

  195. Divya says:

    Data entry in GP post ennu recruitment madalwa ? Any updates ?

    • Lohith says:

      Hi Divya

      From data entry group. Mr Rakesh sunil and channegowda are contacted us. As per lawyer suggestion u people has to go to court for that u have to apply RTI to u r zilla panchayath. If u want any further details u can contact are wts up to Mr. Rakesh [Personal Information Removed for Privacy]
      Mr.sunil [Personal Information Removed for Privacy].

      This issue can only settled on court once u get a RTI replay from zp or rdpr other wise they won’t make it

  196. Abhi says:

    Any updates???

  197. Divya says:

    Data entry in GP job enaithu ….yaak process start mdthila.

  198. Siddappa says:

    Sir I already apply to this job in 2017 as specified date but what was the results of that.plz reply me

  199. Suresh naik says:

    Please inform me yavag data entry process madudu

  200. Shruti says:

    Ennu estu time tagottarappa wait madtaero candidategalu enmadbeku

  201. Suresh naik says:

    Panchayata data entry job enaytu ? Process madtare ? Or cancel madiddara ? Pls updates madi .. 1 year 4 month aytu . enu information sigtane illa.

    • Channegowda C says:

      Dear suresh

      Coastal Hut navaru yavude reply madall, Neevu dayavittu nim friends yaradru apply madidre nim jothe serskondu department mele case haki

      navu ade reethi madthidivi ivaga

  202. Kavita says:

    When is selection process will be start sir

  203. Manu M says:

    Sir..data entry operator requirements. When was start sir plz any information about thus.am a physical handicapped person and I’m a poor family guy so please please help us

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