Nursing Jobs

AIIMS Raipur Recruitment: 475 Staff Nurse Vacancies – Apply Online

AIIMS Raipur is an apex healthcare institute, established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country and attaining self-sufficiency in graduate and post graduate Medical education and training. The PMSSY has set up 6 new AIIMS institutions in underserved areas of the country.

AIIMS, Raipur invites online applications from Indian nationals for the STAFF NURSE Grade – I (Nursing Sisters) and STAFF NURSE Grade-II posts on direct recruitment basis.








Staff Nurse Grade-I

(Nursing Sisters)

(Pay-band of Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs.4800/-)

  1. B.Sc. (Nursing) (4 year course) from a recognized Institute/ University. OR
  2. B.Sc.(Post-certificate) or equivalent such as B.Sc. Nursing (Post-basic) (2 year course)  AND
  3. Should be registered with the Indian Nursing Council/ State Nursing Council.

Experience– Three years of experience as Staff Nurse Grade – II in a minimum 100 bedded hospital/ healthcare Institute.

Desirable: Ability to use computers – Hands on experience in office applications, spread sheets and presentations

Between 21-35 years

75 Posts

(UR-39, OBC-20, SC-1, ST-5) Including 02 Posts of PwD-OL


Staff Nurse Grade-II (Sister Grade-II)

(Pay-band of Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-)

  1. B.Sc. (Nursing) (4 year course) from a recognized Institute/ University. OR
  2. B.Sc.(Post-certificate) or equivalent such as B.Sc. Nursing (Post-basic) (2 year course)  AND
  3. Should be registered with the Indian Nursing Council/ State Nursing Council.

Desirable: Ability to use computers – Hands on experience in office applications, spread sheets and presentations

Between 21-30 years

400 Posts

(UR-205,OBC-106, SC-60, ST-29) (Including 12 Posts of PwD-OL)

Application Fee:

  1. SC, ST, PwD Candidates                                 : Exempted 
  2. General, OBC, Ex-Servicenen Candidates  : Rs.1000


  1. Last Date to Apply Online:  31/07/2017 by 5.00 pm

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