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Apply for Junior Assistants (Fire Service) Vacancies in Airport Authority of India

147 Junior Assistants Posts | Airport Authority of India Southern Region Recruitment-2017

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who are Domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep Island to fill up the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) / NET-4 at various airports in the above states in Southern Region


Region Tamil Nadu

Andhra Pradesh





Lakshadweep Island

Post Name Junior Assistant (Fire Service)-NE-4
Pay Scale Rs. 12500-28500
Vacancies GEN=92 OBC=11 SC=23 ST=21 TOTAL=147


  1. Essential Academic Qualifications: (As on 31.03.2017)
    1. 10th Pass + 3 years’ approved regular Diploma in Mechanical/ Automobile/Fire with minimum 50% marks (OR)
    2. PUC/12th Pass (Regular Study) with 50% marks
  2. Age Limit : (As on 31.03.2017):
    1. Minimum Age : 18 Years
    2. Maximum Age : 30 Years
    3. Age Relaxations:
      1. SC / ST : 5 Years
      2. OBC : 3 Years
      3. Length of service extended by 3 yrs for Ex(servicemen
  3. Driving License
    1. Valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License (OR)
    2. Valid Medium Vehicle License issued before 31/03/2016 (OR)
    3. Valid LMV License issued before 31/03/2015
      In case of (b) & (c), on qualifying the written test the candidate shall be informed in writing to produce a valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License at the time of Driving Test.
  4. Desirable (Additional weightage shall be given to a candidate possessing any one or more of the following only.)
    1. Computer Science as subject at 12th class level;
    2. NCC ‘B’ Certificate
    3. Relevant experience in an aviation/regular/industrial fire service.
    4. Basic Fire Fighting Training Course from AAI Fire Training Establishment
    5. Sub Fire Officer Course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur

Centres for Examination

  1. Trichy
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Mangalore
  4. Trivandrum
  5. Agatti

APPLICATION FEE  : (Non Refundable)

  1. SC/ST/Ex Servicemen         : Nill/ Exempted
  2. General and OBC                  : Rs.100  [Demand Draft for Rs.100/( (Rupees One Hundred only) [non(refundable] drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India, payable at Chennai]


  1. Last Date to Reach Filled Applications : 31.03.2017


  1. Download Application: Candidates, fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application on plain paper (along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in Hindi / English
  2. The application should accompany with the following documents:
    1. Demand Draft for Rs.100/-
    2. Two recent passport size photographs, one affixed on application and other one stapled and mention Name of the candidate on the reverse side.
    3. Self Attested photocopies (xerox) of Certificates regarding Educational Qualification, Date of Birth (SSLC Certificate), Driving license [Full copy (validity of license should be visible)], Caste Certificate in prescribed format Ex(servicemen certificate (wherever applicable), Valid OBC certificates.
    1. The envelope should be super(scripted by “Application for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service)
    2. Address To: THE REGIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region, Chennai – 600 027
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Read Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/Airports-Authority-of-India-Notification.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLICATION FORM” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/Airports-Authority-of-India-Application.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. riyaz says:

    sir can ITI students can apply for this post

  2. Vandana says:

    Sir i don’t have driving license can i apply

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