Admit Cards

MESCOM Recruitment 2016-17 : Download Admit Card

Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (MESCOM) Recruitment Notification (Employment Notification No : MESCOM/GM(A&HRD)/AGM(P)/AO(P)/ 2015-16/4477 dated 08.01.2016.)

The Online Aptitude Test for Recruitment to the Post of Junior Engineer (Ele/Civil) in MESCOM is scheduled to be held on 12.02.2017 across various centers in Hassaa, Mangaluru, Udupi, Bengaluru.

All the candidates those who successfully submitted their applications may download their Junior Engineer (Electric and Civil) MESCOM Examination Call Letter with the below link.

  1. The candidates are advised to log on to MESCOM website with their application ID and date of birth to download their Electronic Hall Ticket (EHT) and take a printout thereof.
  2. The candidates will have to produce the printout (2 copies) of the EHT at the allotted venue for appearing in the Aptitude Test.
  3. NO request or queries shall be entertained from the candidates seeking change of venue/centre.
  4. Electronic Hall Ticket (EHT) will not be dispatched by post or any other mode for the Aptitude Test by MESCOM.
  5. The candidates are instructed to go through the instructions mentioned in the Electronic Hall Ticket (EHT).
  6. The candidates will have to produce one of the valid ID Proof mentioned in the EHT on the day of the Aptitude Test.

PLEASE NOTE: The tentative dates of Online Aptitude Test for Assistant Engineer (Elec/Civil), Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant and Junior Assistant will be intimated at a later date.


MESCOM – AE/JE/AAO/Junior Assistants/ Assistants Recruitment 2016 : Apply Online

Help Line: 0824-2885759, 0824-2885760

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