Career Builder +Village Accountant Jobs

Karnataka Village Accountant [VA] Recruitment 2017 : Complete Guide for VA Posts Application

Google Search Keywords: VA Job Notification, Village Accountant, VA Recruitment, Village Accountant Recruitment, VA Posts, Karnataka Village Accountants, Karnataka Jobs, VA Recruitment Notification Exclusive: Revenue Department, Government of Karnataka follows the direct recruitment for the Village Accountants (VA) posts in Various Districts of Karnataka. Based on the demands of job seekers and users of, CoastalHut Team prepared a complete and special guide for VA Post aspirants. We believe CoastalHut Team‘s effort will definitely helps to give the right direction to the candidates to participate in the Karnataka Village Accountant Recruitment – 2017.

Eligibility to APPLY for Revenue Department’s Village Accountant (VA) Posts

  1. Any candidates having 2nd PUC or 12th standard (at least pass class marks) can apply.
  2. Knowledge of Basic Computer is necessary.
  3. Knowledge of practicable Kannada Language is necessary.
  4. Age limits:
    1. Minimum Age : 18 Years (as on application closure date)
    2. Maximum Age : 35 Years (Reserved categories are allowed relaxation in upper age limits as per Govt. norms)

How to Apply for VA Jobs of Revenue Department in Karnataka State?

  1. Notification & Application: Once the Village Accountants Recruitment Notification is published in respective district’s website and leading news papers, candidates are required to apply for the vacant positions through ONLINE mode only.
  2. Documents Required while Applying Online: No hard copies are required to send by post for VA posts. While applying online, candidates are responsible to fill the information in the online form accordingly in SSLC/10th standard and PUC/12th standard mark cards.
  3. Uploading Photo : Candidate is required to upload a recent (not older than 6 months) color passport size (Size 350px X 450px) photo while applying to the VA posts.
  4. Fees & Payment : 
    1. Online Payment : Most easy and quick method is online fees payment. Some of the VA Recruitment’s online application forms linked with online payment gateway. Applicant can pay online using his/her/friends/relatives/others Debit Card/ATM/Credit Card or Internet Banking facilities. Once paid the fees, you required to download the copy of application and fee payment receipt for your records.
    2. Offline Payment /Payment through Challan : Once the online application is submitted, you required to generate Bank Challan. This challan is to be paid in the specified bank branches only. Once paid, again you required to scan and upload the paid challan’s candidate copy to the online application form.

FAQ’s on Village Accountant Recruitment in Revenue Department


[mks_accordion_item title=”What is the Selection Procedure for VA Posts?“]
It is direct recruitment. Selection will be done on the merit marks scored in eligibility qualification (i.e., 2nd PUC / 12th standard)
[mks_accordion_item title=”I have applied online and paid fee challan at bank, what to do now?“]
You are in the last step to complete process. Go to online application again, click on “Upload Challan” link and enter details, upload scanned challan. You are completed the process!
[mks_accordion_item title=”Do I Need to send my application through post/courier?“]
No. You are not required to send any documents or application copy through post or courier.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I have ticked 2A as my category in the application. Do I need to produce caste certificate?“]
Yes. You are required to produce the 2A caste certificate during document verification. Note: this certificate must be valid as on the date of closure of online application submission date.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I‘m OBC candidate, but I don’t have valid Caste/OBC Certificate. How I can Apply?“]
If you are unable to get valid caste/OBC certificate before specified date, you can apply in general merit (GM) candidate. But benefits of reservation category will not applicable to you in this case.
[mks_accordion_item title=”What are the documents necessary?“]
1)SSLC/10th Standard Mark Card;

2)2nd PUC/12th Mark Card;

3) Computer Certificate (if specified in the notification)

4) Kannada Medium/Rural /Ex-Servicemen/H-K Region/Any other Reserved Category Certificates (if opted in application only)

5) Caste Certificate (if opted in application only)
[mks_accordion_item title=”How do I come to know that, my application is selected or not?“]
Major times, the tentative date of publishing the provisional verification list. Although, applicants are suggested to follow up with the official website of the recruiting district.
[mks_accordion_item title=”My name is in verification list; what shall I do now?“]
Congrats! You might receive the letter by post from the recruiting authority; containing the details for document verification process. You must attend the document verification process along with all the original documents on specified date and time.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I have computer working knowledge; but doesn’t have the valid certificate“]
If the notification clearly specifies that the necessity of the computer certificate, you required to produce on the time of document verification. If not clearly specified in the notification, you are suggested to contact the helpline number and clarify your doubts on this regard.
[mks_accordion_item title=”What kind of examinations are there for VA recruitment?“]
VA Recruitment is a direct recruitment process and so, there is no examination for these posts. Selection of the posts will be done purely on the basis of marks scored in eligibility examination (2nd PUC/12th standard) and reserved category.
[mks_accordion_item title=”What are the syllabus for VA examination? Which book I need to refer?“]
VA posts are selected based on merit marks scored in 2nd PUC/12th standard. Hence, no examination is conducted. So, not required to refer any study materials/syllabus.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I’m applying from last 2 years, but not selected yet! Why?“]
Probably the number of competitions (total number of applicants)were high. You are suggested to read the official notification carefully before you apply to the posts.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I’m BA/BSc/BCA/B.Com/BBM/MBA/MCom/MSc/MSW/etc degree holder, Can I Apply for VA?“]
Yes. You can apply. But, first understand that, the selection will be done on the basis of marks scored in 2nd PUC/12th standard. Degree marks will not help in this case.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I’m originally from Mangalore, can I apply for the VA jobs in other districts?“]
Yes. If you are eligible candidate, you can apply anywhere in Karnataka.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I’m 17 year old, can I apply for the VA Posts?“]
No. You are not eligible. As on the closure of application submission, your age must be Minimum 18 Years.
[mks_accordion_item title=”Whether knowledge of Kannada is compulsory for VA posts?“]
Sometimes, recruiting authority (generally recruiting district’s commissioner) will decide if knowledge of Kannada language is must or not. If it is must, it will be clearly stated in the official notification. For further assistance, you are suggested to contact the respective district’s helpline number.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I did JOC, can I apply for the VA Posts?“]
No. JOC is not eligible educational qualification for Village Accountant Posts.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I did 2 years diploma course after 10th (I mean 10+2), can I apply for the VA Posts?“]
No. 2 years diploma/any diploma courses are not eligible educational qualifications for Village Accountant Posts.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I’m 2 years ITI holder, can I apply for the VA Posts?“]
No. ITI courses are not eligible educational qualifications for Village Accountant Posts.
[mks_accordion_item title=”I completed PUC by correspondence/distance course/open university, can I apply for the VA?“]
No. Any correspondence /distance/ open university courses are not eligible educational qualifications for Village Accountant Posts.
[mks_accordion_item title=”What are the normal age relaxations for reserved category candidates?“]
Age relaxations in upper age limits are as follows:

  • 2A/2B/3A candidates: 38 Years
  • SC/ST : 40 Years
  • Ex Servicemen : Total Years of Service in Armed Services plus 3 years

[mks_accordion_item title=”I made few mistakes in the application. How to correct?“]
If you not paid application fees, go to online application and re-apply fresh application with correct details and complete payment procedures. If fees already paid, contact helpline number for assistance.

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 Disclaimer: This post has been published for the public interest. Our team will takes an elaborative study before publishing any jobs in this website. Although candidates are strongly suggested for verifying all the required details carefully before applying for any posts published by CoastalHut Team. This site proudly designed, hosted and managed by Crust.

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  1. Gurusiddappa says:

    What is the minimum percentage need to apply for VA..?

  2. gundappa says:

    thanks coastalhut can you say the syllabus for ssc

  3. N R Raghavendra. says:

    Sir my percentage in puc 88% . Category is 3a . Sir please tell me getting for va job in any district. Sir please tell me…………………

  4. patan reshma says:

    I am completed JOC,can i apply for any VA jobs, plz tell sir

  5. patan reshma says:

    Than JOC students which kind of GOVT jobs can apply, also which kind of VA jobs can apply

  6. DHANRAJ R says:

    sir, i dhanaraj r i am having percentage of 88.67 % i eligble to get a va job and i belongs to category -1
    please reply me

  7. ranjini says:

    When the selection list announced

  8. Siddarth says:

    Is thre any opeing at bangalore rural

  9. safreen banu says:

    Sir I’m complete 2nd PUC and I have 6 month computer certificate can I apply the VA job

  10. vinayak says:

    When the selection list announced sir

  11. pundalik joger says:

    Nanu chitradurgadali handicraftli select aagidde nanu kannindoshadmele aakidde verificationaai final listali selection aagi sindutavanu madisi ordercopy kodbekadre kannin dosha iddavarge kodoke barala andu reject madidru nandu cast c.1 puc 86 aagide idake salahe enu

    • ಅಂಗವಿಕಲರ ಮೀಸಲಾತಿ ಪಡೆಯಬಯಸುವ ಅಭ್ಯರ್ಥಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದಂತೆ ದಿನಾಂಕ 27.07.2015ರಂದು ಹೊರಡಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರದುರ್ಗ ಜಿಲ್ಲಾ ಗ್ರಾಮಲೆಕ್ಕಿಗರ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಯಂತೆ
      ಪುಟ 3ರಲ್ಲಿ “ಅರ್ಹತಾ ಷರತ್ತುಗಳು” ಅಡಿಬರಹದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗಿರುವ ಕೊನೆಯ ಷರತ್ತು ಹಾಗೂ
      ಪುಟ 4ರಲ್ಲಿ “ಅಂಗವಿಕಲರ ಮೀಸಲಾತಿ” ಅಡಿಬರಹದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗಿರುವ ಅರ್ಹತಾ ವಿವರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿ

      “ದೃಷ್ಟಿ ದೋಷ” ಮಾದರಿಯ ಅಂಗ ವೈಕಲ್ಯತೆಯು ಗ್ರಾಮ ಲೆಕ್ಕಿಗರ ನೇಮಕಾತಿಗೆ ಅರ್ಹತೆಯನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. (ಕುಷ್ಟರೋಗದಿಂದ ಗುಣಮುಕ್ತರಾದವರು / ಶ್ರವಣ ದೋಷವುಳ್ಳವರು / ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಅಸ್ವಸ್ತತೆಯಿಂದ ಗುಣಮುಕ್ತರಾದವರು / ದೈಹಿಕ ಅಂಗವೈಕಲ್ಯತೆ ಹೊಂದಿರುವವರು ಮಾತ್ರ ಅರ್ಹತೆ ಹೊಂದಿರುತ್ತಾರೆ)

      ನೇಮಕಾತಿ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಬಹುದು: Chithradurga VA Recruitment Notification

      • pundalik says:

        Nange kividoshanu ide but nanu certificate avaga madsiralila ivaga madaside. Sir avaru verification hega madi finailistge aayake madidru

        • ganesh says:

          Sir obbaru sc cast navaru village accountant aagi selectagidare but avara tande school certificatenali c.1 ide idu hege idanna hege prastinisbeku

  12. veeru says:

    when will you announce the gadag va results

  13. nithesh says:

    I have done my puc in supplementary can I apply for village account. I have computer knowledge

  14. Raju says:

    When will be next recruitment done?

  15. mantesh says:

    Sir wheather this VA selection process is based on 10th and 12th marks or cet merit? Sir plz make me clear about this doubt

  16. Asha Reddy says:

    I got puc 85.33 .shall I got this job. My cast is 3a plz reply sir

    • Sorry Asha… We are not Astrologers!

      • Asha Reddy says:

        K mam sorry for asking this question

        • No issues.. But, we suggest you to refer some of the previous selection lists and get rough idea of the selected candidates’ marks under your category. All the best..

          • Asha Reddy says:

            K mam have a nice day. 9071003666 if you don’t mind u can chat with me.

          • Rehan says:

            Sir my PUC percentage is 50% ,is there any chances of getting job with 2B category.

          • Ningappa says:

            Sir I got 46% I am applied job but don’t know selection procedure about 2nd puc marks or in village accounts examination marks plz tell me and compulsory computer certificatate ha…?

          • Triveni says:

            Sir/mam when will be the exam conduct

    • Dayanand says:

      Probobly less chances sister

    • Manjappa hh says:

      Sister idu computation yuga. May be difficult ansutte.

  17. Rehan says:

    Sir I am having 50% in PUC ,is there any chances of getting job.

  18. Raju says:

    Sir I’m a rural candidate with 93.6 marks in PUC commerce and I am from rural sector and my caste is cat- 1 am I able to get this job ?? Please reply sirrrrrrr🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  19. md saqib khan says:

    Good morning sir/madam
    As yesterday itself I asked a question regarding Puc board option in application form that there is no option of kseeb board. .plz do reply

  20. Apoorva.H.D says:

    When is the select will be announced sir ..can you plzz rply

  21. navya says:

    Hi…… i m interested in VA job what is the procedure t apply

  22. sushma s says:

    again when they call for VA online application ..may i know the cut off marks for the recruitment

  23. Manjunatha says:

    Sir nange accident agi kalumuridhithu nanu physical handicap antha ondhu sanna yyellow book kotidhare idhu nange eligible agutha under handicap category or bere Yavdhadru certificate madusbeka

  24. Basayya says:

    Hi… Sir
    I am basayya kabanoor my percentage 87% cast 3b but kalaburgi dist VA post getting this post all dist pleas reply sir.

  25. Dayanandaswamy N says:

    Sir i have got 91% in puc commerce and am Sc i have rural&kannada medium certificate sir then i have computer knowledge certificate sir plz infirm me i got the mysore va job plz sir this job is very essential.plz sir plz

  26. Shridhar says:

    Sir I am completed puc with 90.33 percentage SC category rural and Kannada medium certificate any opportunity for VA post sir

  27. Chethan coorg says:

    Sir when was mysoor VA result is announced tell me the date sir plzzz

  28. John says:

    Is this post in all karnataka or only one place? i am from bidar can i apoy for this job???

  29. Subramanya says:

    I’m 3A category student. In village accountant post vacanccy for 3A category is low. can I apply for general category.If I choose general category can I submit cast certificate or whether can I apply for both 3A as well as general category. plz give valuable sujjestion

  30. yashas Kumar A S says:

    I have done PUC with 87,33… And my cast is sc…now I’m eligible to get va jobs…plzzz reply me sirrr….

  31. moulali khaji says:

    sir. i am moulali my result is 91.83. rural&kms students but not elijibal sir. pleas reply sir

  32. Ranjith says:

    Sir I completed diploma in civil engineering it’s equivalent to puc can I apply to village accountent post

  33. Rangaswamy GK says:

    sir am rangaswamy GK from tumlur n am a handicap student having 82% in puc am kannada medium student it is posible to take VA job in Ramanagara plz replye me sir

    • Please contact the Ramanagara district’s helpline for previous year’s cut off under physical handicapped quota (PH), then you may decide for further action.

  34. Hanamanta lamani says:

    dear sir, I completed ITI FITTER 83.57 % can apply village accountant job Karnataka state was conceder as a ITI equalling to PUC please suggestion me..

  35. siddu says:

    Sir computer certificate is necessary to apply VA job please replay sir

  36. Shoaib says:

    selection depends only on 2 Pu marks .or FAQ exam marks

  37. Tammanna hukkeri says:

    Sir/madom I got 90% in science and cast cat-1 can I join for this job plzzz reply sir/madom

  38. Angel says:

    I applied for village accountant job in bangalore rural….I paid fee at bank but I do not upload the challan copy wt can I did nw….the last date is already over

  39. Nidhi says:

    Sir,any documents other than Pu ,sslc marks card and computer certificate needed? I mean to say challan or any other things?

    • Yes. If you paid through challan, you required to carry in original. Other documents only if you claimed reservations such as caste, rural or Kannada medium quota’s etc.

  40. Ashwini says:

    When the koppal VA recruitment will be.pls reply as soon as possible

  41. Rakesh says:

    Dear coastalhut .when they will hire Again for bangalore rural village accountant ?? Is their any chances on Nov Dec

  42. N RAVI KUMAR says:

    sir, I Got 84% in PUC , Category ST ,Sir there is chance to getting VA post in ballari

  43. Nikhil B says:

    Hello sir, i had completed my 2nd PU examination in the year of 2016 and got the result of 91 % .
    With category of 3b general and i hav hyderabad – karnataka certificate
    So now ,can i apply for VA post and any chances of getting job? Can you help me?

  44. Mahesha K s says:

    I am Mahesha K s I got 80% marks in puc……
    My caste is cat-1
    I completed the computer basic 6 month course…..
    I am eligible for VA plz tell me sir..
    And how to get VA job

  45. Tulasiram M says:

    I got 91.83% in 2 nd pu and i am 3A catogari i am selected for VA or not?

  46. Raj says:

    Does anyone know what’s the cut off marks for Ramanagara VA please reply friends 🙏

  47. R D says:

    Yadgiri va posts only for hidrabad Karnataka members ???

  48. R D says:

    Hasana va notification ???

  49. Mallikarjun says:

    Hi sir / madam my percentage is 43.84 can i eligible to this job plz tell me sir

  50. Purshothama says:

    I have 53 % in puc and weather there chance of getting a job of va with sc category

  51. Nagaveni says:

    Hi sir I’m completed diploma in e&c 72%.but diploma is equal to degree plz suggested me sir

    • Please note that 3 years Diploma is not equivalent to 3 years degree. But, if you complete BE with lateral entry (after completing diploma, you can directly take admission to 2nd year of Engineering), then you are called as Degree holder and also equal to all other bachelor degrees.

    • Vijeth says:

      I scored 81‰ in puc science can i get the job

  52. k harish says:

    hello sir,i have completed my p.u.c. with 96.9% in andhra i eligible to apply for this post ??
    i know kannada very well and i can write too…

    • Most of the cases, PUC/10+2 done out of the Karnataka state are not considered for VA recruitment. But, we suggest you to contact the concerned district’s Deputy Commissioner’s office for accurate information on this.

    • PRATHI says:

      OMG !!

    • Anusha Hiremath says:

      I m science student and I have passed with 64% can I apply for this?? please reply me… I have all my documents for this job..

  53. Vijay raj p verma says:

    Hello sir
    My name is there in the verification list
    And I have all the documents with me except the bank challan

  54. Raju says:

    Sir nan friend du verification list Alli name ide Ella documents ide avn hatra adru verification sari idru job kodalla antha yaro helidranthe??? Nija na sir please reply

  55. Meghana says:

    Is 80% enough to get a job as a village account

    • Govinda says:

      No madam, if you want to get VA job you have percentage more than 93

  56. PRATHI says:


  57. raj says:

    what is the website to apply

  58. Rashmi says:

    Sir Any chance of getting job with 63%? I did commerce in 2nd puc

  59. Swathi V N says:

    Hello sir,
    I have 91% in puc and 90% in sslc.can I get a job in yadgiri for VA post?.I have rural quota

  60. Sangeetha says:

    I am basically from Karnataka but I have done puc in Andhra,,will I get selected

    • If your PUC is from CBSE syllabus, your application might be accepted. But, we do recommend you to contact the district recruitment cell for official assistance in this regard.

  61. Myna says:

    I am from Karnataka but I have done puc in Visakhapatnam,,am I eligible hi

  62. ARJUN m says:

    now I am studying i don t have original documents can I apply

    • Yes! Even students studying but above 18 years of age can apply. You are required to produce original documents only during the document verification. That time, you may request your college Principal for provide your original documents. They definitely have to give your original documents for the document verification purposes.

  63. rakshitha says:

    I want to know when village accountant jobs for second puc passed students will come in year 2018

    • Already started.. see home page for the vacancy of Village Accountants in Chikkaballapur District

      • Naveen says:

        Sir . I have completed all the process to bellari va posts but the website has stoped for last 1 month . Soo pleasm conform the opening date and next process

  64. rakshitha says:

    I have got 94% in puc we have to write exam

  65. AJay bhosle says:

    I am 2puc science passed can I apply

  66. rakshitha A Suvarna says:

    Can I apply for v.a I do not have computer course certificate but I took computer science subject in puc I have its knowledge

    • Some districts expect Computer Certificate during the document verification. But for some districts, it is not mandatory. They just expect the computer knowledge. Better, during recruitment process, you may contact the respective district’s helpline for assistance.

  67. rakshitha A Suvarna says:

    I got 94% can I get very. A job

  68. Srividya M S says:

    Sir , nanu provisional selection list nalli select agiddhi. what is the next step to selecting VA please tell me sir

  69. Rajani A D says:

    Iam From Mangalore. So Where to Conduct Selection Proceidger?

  70. Shama T.M says:

    How to see whether my name is in verification list or not in 2018

  71. Pc says:

    Sir I am currently in 4th year of engg….will they grant us leaves once we join the job for writing my engg exams ?

  72. Srustiraj says:

    I have completed 2nd puc with 97.5% and I have 1. Year computer course certificate . Can I get village accountant job. Please reply me.

  73. sushmitha says:

    Sir, I have completed diploma and BE but i am waiting for 8th sem result and I didn’t study puc can I apply for this job?

  74. Chan says:

    Sir i have 89% and good computer knowledge.Do i have any chance

  75. AZIZ says:


  76. Bindu says:

    Sir , is there written exam for va post

  77. Varsha says:

    When will be the exam am trying ur helpline number but no body is responding.

  78. Varsha says:

    When will be the exam

  79. RAVICHANDRA says:




    • No.. ITI is not equivalent to PUC and not eligible for VA Recruitment till date.

      • Shruthi says:

        Hi sir i have complited 2nd puc with 55% and i have 1. Year computer cource certificate , Can i apply for VA Job ???Please reply me am waiting for your reply.

  80. Puneeth says:

    I have scored 95.50% in pu n belongs to SC generals category can i get this job?

  81. RAJA says:

    Hi sir,how the selection process for VA happens,is that written test is there or not.Once we applied for the job when the selection list will be released after the final date of application and what is the minimum marks required for applying to this job.

  82. Puneeth S says:

    Hello sir, I completed diploma and BE after 10th std. Is it eligible to apply village account post can you tell me.

    Thanks and Regards

  83. priyanka says:

    sir,my application of village accountant job is successful but i tried to pay challen online not happend so i paid by branch now i want to upload challen but am getting error for that option what to do.

  84. BASAWESHWARI says:

    Sir, I had applied to bagalkot VA post n paid fee through challen but didn’t upload the challen. So what I do sir…

  85. Malatesh Halekoti says:

    Sir I have completed PUC in Evening college can I apply for village account officer post plz reply me

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