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KPSC – 1353 Group C Posts in Non-Technical Recruitment 2016 : Apply Online

Karnataka Loka Seva Ayoga (KPSC) invites applications for about 1353 Group-C Non-Technical Posts. Eligible candidates may read the KPSC’s official recruitment notification and proceed further by applying online mode only. The brief of the KPSC Group C Recruitment notification are given below:






Drafting Assistant in Department of Parliamentary Affairs & Legislation, Karnataka Government Secretariat LLB / LLM Rs. 20,000- 36,300 06 Posts
Inspectors of Legal Metrology in Department of Legal Metrology Degree in Science with Physics as one of the subjects or Engineering of a recognized University or a Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering Rs. 17,650- 32,000 02 (HK) Posts
Chief Officer Grade-2 in Local Bodies in the Dept. of Municipal Administration Degree Rs. 17,650- 32,000 07 posts
Language Teachers Kannada in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Arts with Kannada language as one of the optional subjects with B.Ed Rs. 17,650- 32,000 31 (22+09 HK) Posts
Language Teachers English in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Arts with English language as one of the optional subjects with B.Ed Rs. 17,650- 32,000 41 (31+10 HK) Posts
Urdu Teachers in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Arts with Urdu language as one of the optional subjects with B.Ed. Rs. 17,650- 32,000 41 (30 + 11 HK) Posts
Subject Teacher Mathematics in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics as optionals with B.Ed Rs. 17,650- 32,000 21 (15+06 HK) Posts
Subject Teacher General Science in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Chemistry, Botany, Zoology or Mathematics as optional with B.Ed Rs. 17,650- 32,000 18 (11+07 HK) Posts
Subject Teacher Social Science in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree in Arts with History/ Economics/ Political Science/ Geography/ Sociology as optional with B.Ed Rs. 17,650- 32,000 28 (21+07 HK) Posts
Subject Teacher Mathematics in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare 1.       Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics as optionals with B.Ed

2.       Must have studied urdu as language at the degree level

Rs. 17,650- 32,000 05 (04+01HK) post
Subject Teacher General Science in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare 1.       Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Chemistry, Botany, Zoology or Mathematics as optional with B.Ed

2.       Must have studied urdu as language at the degree level

Rs. 17,650- 32,000 05 Posts (04+01 HK)
Subject Teacher Social Science in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare 1.       Bachelor’s Degree in Arts with History/ Economics/ Political Science/ Geography/ Sociology as optional with B.Ed

2.       Must have studied urdu as language at the degree level.

Rs. 17,650- 32,000 05 Posts (04+01 HK)
Computer Teacher in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) OR B.Sc with Computer Science Rs. 17,650- 32,000 24 Posts (17+07 HK)
Physical Education Teacher in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree with Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education (BP.Ed) Rs. 17,650- 32,000 26 Posts (18+08 HK)
Sub Registrar in the Dept. of Stamps & Registration Any Degree Rs. 17,650- 32,000 63 Posts (53+10 HK)
Art & Craft Teacher in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare S.S.L.C. with Diploma in Arts and Crafts Rs. 16,000- 29,600 10 Posts (07+03 HK)
Accountant in Mahanagara Palikes in the Dept. of Municipal Administration Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (B.Com) Rs. 16,000- 29,600 08 (HK) Posts
Warden in Morarji Desai Residential P U College in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 14,550- 26,700 08 Posts (06+02 HK)
Warden in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 14,550- 26,700 41 Posts (27+14 HK)
First Division Computer Assistant in Morarji Desai Residential P U College in the Department of Minority welfare Degree basic knowledge of computer with “O” Level Certificate in Computer Training Rs. 14,550- 26,700 08 Posts (06+02 HK)
First Division Computer Assistant in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Degree basic knowledge of computer with “O” Level Certificate in Computer Training Rs. 14,550- 26,700 20 Posts (13+07 HK)
Wardens of Post metric Hostel (Men) in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 14,550- 26,700 81 Posts (64+17 HK)
Wardens of Post metric Hostel (Women) in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 14,550- 26,700 36 Posts (30+06 HK)
Food Inspector in Mahanagara Palikes in the Dept. of Municipal Administration Degree Rs. 14,550- 26,700 08 (07+01 HK) Posts
Computer Operator in Karnataka Slum Development Board Degree and must have three years experience in computer knowledge granted by an institution recognized by Government Rs. 14,550- 26,700 01 Post
Statistical Inspector in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics Bachelor’s degree with any one of the following subjects:-

1) Economics

2) Statistics

3) Mathematics

4) Computer Science

Rs. 14,550- 26,700 132 Posts (104+28 HK)
Female Supervisors in Women and Child Development Department

(Women candidates only)

Degree and various Rs. 14,550- 26,700 557 Posts.
First Grade Revenue Inspector in Mahanagara Palikes in the Dept. of Municipal Administration Degree Rs. 14,550- 26,700 04 (HK) Posts
First Grade Revenue Inspector in Local Bodies in the Dept. of Municipal Administration Degree Rs. 14,550- 26,700 14 (HK) Posts
Horticulture Assistant in Mahanagara Palikes in the Dept. of Municipal Administration PUC and must have undergone successful ten months training in Horticulture conducted by the Horticulture Department or must possess job oriented course certificate in Horticulture subject conducted by the Directorate of Vocational Education. Rs. 12,500 -24,000 02 (HK) Posts
Enumerator cum Data Entry Operator in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics PUC (10+2) Rs. 11,600- 21,000 55 Posts (49+06 HK)
Superintendents of Pre metric Boys Hostel (Men) in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 11,600- 21,000 10 (07+03) post
Superintendents of Pre metric Girls Hostel (Women) in Morarji Desai Residential School in the Department of Minority welfare Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Rs. 11,600- 21,000 09 (06+03) post
House Father/ House Mother in Women and Child Development Department Pass in SSLC Rs. 11,600- 21,000 26 Posts

AGE LIMITS : (as on 07.11.2016)

  1. Minimum Age : 18 Years
  2. Maximum Age:
    1. General Merit (GM) : 35 Years
    2. 2A, 2B, 3A & 3B: 38 Years
    3. SC / ST / CAT-1 : 40 Years
    4. Others : Please refer the KPSC Notification below.


  1. SC/ST, Cat-1, PwD, Ex-Servicemen :  Rs.25 
  2. General, 2A, 2B, 3A & 3B Candidates : Rs.300

HELPLINE7899617837 and  9901294490


  1. Last Date of Online Registration : 07.11.2016 up to 11.45PM
  2. Last Date for Payment of Fees (Post Office) : 08-11-2016

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Official Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://mpowermedia.net/pdf/KPSC group c non technl post.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”Apply Online (Click here to Apply)” style=”squared” url=”http://www.kpscapps.com/non_tech_june_2016/index.php” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#ff3300″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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1 Comment

  1. Rasheeda Yasmeen says:

    when will u declared non technical Urdu language teachers result. plz inform us

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