PUC / 10+2 JobsVillage Accountant Jobs

Belagavi Village Accountant (VA) Recruitment 2016 : Apply Online

Belagavi District Village Accountants Recruitment-2016 : 90 Posts

Government of Karnataka, Belagavi District Revenue Department invites applications for recruitment of Village Accountants (VA Posts) for filing up 90 Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply for the VA Posts available in the Belagaum Revenue Department.


  1. Total Posts : 90 Posts 

Salary Range: Rs.11600 – 200 – 12000 – 250 – 13000 – 300 – 14200 – 350 – 15600 – 400 – 17200 – 450 – 19000 – 500 – 21000

Age Limit:

  1. 18 to 35 Years for General Category;
  2. 18 to 38 Years for category 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B candidates;
  3. 18 to 40 Years for category-I, SC, ST candidates.
  4. Detailed Info check out official Information Booklet (Kannada Language)


Educational Qualifications:

  1. II PUC/ 12th Class passed in CBSE / ICSE or equivalent. (JOC / Diploma courses are NOT eligible)
  2. Compulsory knowledge of Kannada Language
  3. Computer Knowledge.


Helpline: 0831-2407272


Application Fee:

  1. SC/ST/CAT-1/ Female Candidates: Rs.100
  2. General, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B Candidates: Rs.200



  1. Last Date to Apply Online:  11/08/2016
  2. Last Date for Fee Payment : 16/08/2016


[mks_button size=”medium” title=”OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION – Kannada” style=”squared” url=”http://www.mpowermedia.net/pdf/Belgavi_VA Recruitment.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLY ONLINE” style=”squared” url=”http://belgaum-va.kar.nic.in/” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

© This job is originally posted in : coastalhut.com

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  1. karan says:

    Sir nandu puc science nalli 74%,plz tell any possible chances to get va post is there are not,plz vtell me

  2. suma kashi says:

    I completed my PUC with agreegate 95.67%(commerce)I applied va post in udupi &belagavi ,suppose appointment came how can i continue my degree,nw I admit degree(bcom)so am confusing,give me sollution…..

    • Suma, since you have secured a very good marks in qualifying examination, your chances of selection are very high. In case, if you selected in VA Recruitment, It is your choice to accept the VA Post or to continue with education by rejecting the job.

      Please note, now a days job market going tougher and tougher. A degree like BA, BCom, BBM, BSc, BCA can be achieved by even correspondence or distance mode.

      Our suggestion is to consult your parents and make the right decision to choose the VA Job or the Education.

      All the best!

  3. aruna says:

    hi sir am completed my puc 70.50% (arts) plz tell me any possible chances to get va post is there a re not plz tell me

  4. Nagaraj says:

    My puc percentage is 36.16 is there any possible to get a va post & my caste is ST

  5. prashant says:

    sir nandu puc commerce nalli 88%, plz tell any possible chances to get VA job,plz tel me sir……

  6. namdev patil says:

    Sir i have scored 88% in puc and have a good communication skill is their any possibiity of selection in VA job???

  7. Akhilesh Gowda yn says:

    Dear sir/ madam I completed PUC(commerce) 90.5% with computer basic course plz tell me any chance in va post

  8. Akhilesh Gowda yn says:

    Sir/madam please tell me va post only basic computer is knowdlege are needed or basic computer certicate are needed please reply me sir / madam

    • It depends on the particular District’s VA Recruitment Authority. You may contact the respective authorities for assistance.

  9. SANTOSH says:

    Sir i have completed my ITI(fitter) so can i apply for this VA post

  10. meghana says:

    It is a transferable job sir ..I mean there r two district A and B . a person selected for district A he can any possible to transfer district B .plz reply sir

  11. sami patel says:

    I have successfully submitted the application form bt i have little bit of confusion about the challan payment plz would you assist me in this process. I m not getting that in which bank we have to fill the challan . Is there any particular bank or we can pay through any nationalized bank?

  12. Chandrappa says:


    I already applied and paid application fee also. I have one question, please let me know about this.

    Consider a person ‘A’ whose category is CAT-1. The VA posts are distributed as follow,
    CAT-1 – 3 posts
    GM – 10 posts

    My question is that, is the person ‘A’ eligible for the both CAT-1 and GM posts?

    Please let me know asap.

    Waiting for your response.

    Thanks and regards,

  13. Chandrappa says:

    Hi Coastalhut Team,

    Could you please let me know what is the possible date on which the VA selection list will be published?

    Waiting for your reply,

    Thanks and regards,

  14. Shankar says:

    When will be the selection list disclosed???

  15. shankar says:

    I completed 2nd pu science with 87% and have basic skills of computer. What is the probability of getting VA job.

  16. kiranmaie k s says:

    Sir how is the selection process for village accountant job
    Is there is any written test for selection

  17. Manjunath says:

    Hello sir interview date Yavaga?

    • Akhilesh Gowda yn says:

      Sir tell me when was Belagum result is announce

  18. sharadha says:

    Sir when u vl leave belguam va result sir …….r u interest to announce the result r not ……. Let know the candidate sir……

  19. Chandrappa says:

    HI All,

    May be the verification list for the Belagavi Village Accountant is released.
    When I have gone through the below link, I came to know.
    Link is : belgaum.nic.in/english/VA_recruitment2016.html

  20. Haseeb says:

    Sir i have completed my puc 2nd year with 91% plz suggst me wat job can i apply for

  21. Veena says:

    I applied for VA post belagavi, i have finished with my document verification, , now my name has come in waiting list at no.8 in GM category, can u please tell me how much are the chances for me to get the appointment, my score is 2nd PUC (Science) 94.5%.

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