Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga [KPSC]

KPSC Examination for FDA / SDA – Syllabus & Model Question Papers

KPSC_sda_fda_1Model Question Papers for the First Division Assistants and Second Division Assistants of Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga (Karnataka Public Service Commission- KPSC) Examination is available now.

KPSC was invites applications for Assistant/ First Division Assistants / Junior Assistants / Second Division Assistants &  Second Division Assistants Backlog & Also Senior Assistant / Junior Assistant in KFCS(L) Examinations during July 2015.


  1. Download KPSC FDA/SDA Examination Syllabus


  1. First Division Assistants (FDA)
    1. General Knowledge Model Question Paper – Download
    2. General English Model Question Paper – Download
    3. General Kannada Model Question Paper – Download
  2. Second Division Assistants (SDA)
    1. General Knowledge Model Question Paper – Download
    2. General English Model Question Paper – Download
    3. General Kannada Model Question Paper – Download

Also See: KPSC Recruitment 2015: Total 2464 Posts – Apply Online

KINDLY ATTENTION: Dear Candidates, CoastalHut Team apologies for the wrongly statement given on part of the Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1).  Candidates those who have studied Kannada as a 1st, 2nd or optional subject in SSLC or above courses NOT required to appear for Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1).  Applicants only needs to appear those the papers which is displayed in the actual admit cards. [Updated on: 24.09.2015]

© This is originally posted at coastalhut.com

Disclaimer: This post has been published for the public interest. Our team will takes an elaborative study before publishing any jobs in this website. Although candidates are strongly suggested to verify all the required details carefully before applying for any posts published by CoastalHut Team. This site proudly designed, hosted and managed by Crust.

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  1. Raghu k says:

    sir I need SDA exam books in kannada language

  2. Raju V says:

    Hi Sir,

    Where can we get the Answers for above Model question Papers and can we get more model question papers with Answers?

  3. Hanumantha n says:


  4. Ashwith m h says:

    SDA fda models question papers

  5. Raju V says:

    Hi Sir,

    Thanks for that.
    Actually i have studied 1st standard to 10standard in 3 different schools with Kannada Medium only so have to get 3 schools study Certificate while presenting the Documents for getting the Reserved Post of Kannada Medium or High school Certificate( 9th to 10th) is Enough.

  6. basava tondehal says:

    Tank u for information

  7. Mallanna says:

    Please sir I want compulsory Kannada question paper.sda&fda sir

  8. Parvathi Hariprasad says:

    Hi sir,
    I need kaddaya kannada previous question paper or tell me how can you consider 150 marks pls reply me sir.

  9. SHAKUNTHALA says:

    Hello Sir,

    Could you kindly let me know if i passed In KANNADA language at SSCL or PU level,I still need to take compulsary Kannada exam?

    • As per the KPSC notification, you must take the Compulsory Kannada Examination. But, you have the relaxation to pass/clear the test.

  10. Pradeep says:

    Sir, i am a kannada medium student ,.should i bring all the documents regarding that ,while coming for an exam?

    • Not required to carry any documents apart from the ID/Address Proof and Admit Card to the Examination Centre. All the original documents will be verified only during the document verification process, which is done only after the written test has done.

  11. doresh c d says:

    Kaddaya kannada peoper use yenu sir

  12. mudduraj says:

    hellow dear friends this website is very good and esay to searching for govt jobs
    and all informanations will be thre in website

  13. sushanth says:

    can u publish the key answer for the above questions within 5 days

  14. nataraj sn says:

    Dear sir
    I studied in kannada medium up to 10th std I took kannada as first language should I write kaddaya kannada paper is it compulsory please make sure once.

  15. shivaray says:

    Nice one…..

  16. Mrutyunjaya says:

    Thanks for all notifications

  17. Ranjini says:

    hello sir pls give information about compulsory kannada exam for fda and sda post pls sir. pls send model question paper of kaddaya kannada

  18. gurunath metri says:

    ನನ್ನ ವ್ಯಾಸಂಗ ೧೦ ನೇ ತರಗತಿಯ ವರೆಗೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮದಲ್ಲೆ ಮುಗಿದಿದೆ. ಈಗ ನಾನು B.A ಕೊನೆಯ ವಷ೯ದಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯಾಸಂಗ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇನೆ & ನಂದು ಡಿಯೆಡ್ ನು ಸಹ ಮಗಿದಿದೆ

  19. Aksharatha says:

    dear sir

    when is the exam sir

  20. narasimha s gowda says:

    can u plz provide the kaddaya kannada previous question paper, I kindly request to you as soon as attached that paper…..

  21. mahalakshmi says:

    sir kannada is my third language in sslc as my 1st language is sanskrit, so kindly give me information about compulsory kannada paper

    • If you entered in the online application as you studied in Kannada one of the language, you will be exempted to pass the compulsory Kannada Paper. But, it is mandatory to appear for the same paper.

  22. Aasim says:

    Hello sir,
    Which book i prefor for the SDA post ???

  23. madhusudan says:

    sir please give information about computer proficiency test

  24. Pradeep says:

    I’m completed PUC arts

  25. srinath says:

    Dear Coastalhut Team you people are doing good job and I appreciate for that.

    and about compulsary kannada exam what you talking is wrong If any candidate is passed SSLC or PUC with kannada language they no need tom appear for the compulsary kannada exam

    Dear friends for any doubt regarding exam issue please contact on KPSC on this number 7259270641

    • Dear Srinath,

      Thanks for the update.

      Coastalhut Team tries to give the genuine information here. With the reference of the Official Notification (ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ: ಇ(3) 133 /2015-16/ ಪಿಎಸ್ ಸಿ; Dated: 30.06.2015), Page No.7; Clause Point No.9.3, our team provides the detailed information here. Further, the above said notification is not clearly stated that, applicants “No Need to Appear for Compulsory Kannada Paper” But instead, it clearly described as, “Relaxed (Exempted) to Pass the Compulsory Kannada Paper / (ಕನ್ನಡ ಭಾಷಾ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತೇರ್ಗಡೆ ಹೊಂದುವ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ವಿನಾಯಿತಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗುವುದು.)”.

      Although, we agree that our information is NOT finally approved. Candidates are suggested to contact the authorised designates of KPSC for the additional information.

  26. shashi says:

    i have passed kannada as 2nd language both in sslc and 2nd pu..
    Should i attend compulsory kannada exam.. As you said earlier i should attend it for formalities but pass or fail it doesnt have any affect on rest of the exam papers huh…

  27. dileep m says:

    i have studied diplamo in electrical i have applied for this job is it applicable for me or only for diplamo civil

  28. Rahul says:

    Sir my self rahul here,me was studying engineering,,,,but due to some prob(low internal marks) i have two subjects back……

    Now i have applied for sda,n i need this job at any cost,,,,,i can work hard,but need ur directions n all,,,,could u plz help me,,,,if yes mail me sir—– [EMAIL REMOVED]

    i will be very thankfull to u 🙂

    • Prepare well in advance and do well in the written examination. Why can’t you be the outstanding candidate for the SDA posts?

      Wish you all the best.

  29. Raju.v says:

    Hi Castalhut team,

    Can u pls share the answers for the Model question Papers and kindly share the More Model question Paper with Answers. Pls share the Website or Place for getting the same.


    Dear Sir ,

  31. PRASHANTH.N says:

    Can u inform when is the exams & where it will be conducted for FDA,SDA,JA,SA,

  32. chaithra says:

    reference book for fda and sda

  33. suziii says:

    helloo . .. sir..I just want to know wether how the pattern would be for. compulsory Kannada. .its kind of getting hectic .. as my touch wit Kannada broke long back.. could you help me with dat..it would make a big help★:-:-):-D

  34. yogesh Kannappagol says:

    Im very thankful to u coastalhut..

  35. Ashok R says:

    sir when held the FDA SDA exams

  36. siddaraj kumar says:

    sir I have pass Kannada in sslc &in PUC as per kea board should I take compalsary Kannada r what
    sir plz replay me as soon as possible .

  37. mamatha says:

    Sir,in which month we will have exams…

  38. mamatha says:

    Sir, I did BE in EC and applied for FDA post…In first Kannada descriptive paper, on what basis they vil ask questions…is it general or history….?

  39. Ganesh shetty says:

    Sir, are there any descriptive type questions for SDA Exam?

  40. SUNIL says:

    Respected sir ; kannada is my third language in SSLC ; as per the KPSC notification they r asking for first & second language and i entered in online application as i had studied kannada in SSLC so kindly clarify me whether the candidates who studied Kannada as third language were eligible for the exemption category of compulsory Kannada language or not.

  41. arun says:

    They will conduct same date for fda,sda reply me sir

  42. Ganesh shetty says:

    Sir, highcourt of Karnataka ordered KPSC that not to recruit candidates untill court permits. Sir, is It effects on FDA and SDA recruitment?

  43. Harsha says:

    i have studied in three deffrent schools so now one of school missing my previous studied docoments so now what i supose to do ? please help me

  44. asha says:

    sir, i have a doubt that they will give question paper in kannada language only or kannada and english both? plz reply me sir

  45. Aishwarya says:

    Hello ,
    I have chosen English as my medium of instruction and have passed in the Kannada exam in my SSLC and PUC board . Can you please let me know the subjects I need to study . As soon as possible.

  46. maheboob says:

    Very nice sir thank u

  47. radhika r says:

    Send me sda fda previous exam papers

  48. deepa says:

    hai sir. sir sda old question papers send my Email id .. pls. sir

  49. Gowthami says:

    SDA up to date questions plz send me

  50. umesh k n says:

    sir, i need answers for d model question papers of both sda and fda

  51. krishna says:

    SDA 2008 to 2014 qution paper send me sir

  52. Keerthi says:

    i need sir 2008& 2014 qes with answer qes paper plz send me sir

  53. Keerthi says:

    SDA qes paper sir..

  54. vidya says:

    i need fda/sda model question papers plz send me sir

  55. Sindhu says:

    Hello sir wat about General Kannada or General English? V can write in either Kannada/ English or there ‘ll be separate paper of Kannada n separate paper of English.. please give info about tis..

    • pooja says:

      Is kannada compulsory?? Paper 1 is compulsory for everyone?? I selected to write in eng then also i should attend it?? Its confusing….any one who knows leave a reply plzz

  56. varun says:

    when is the sda exam is held…..

  57. pooja says:

    Syllabus and exam date of sda in english language?? N previous yr qstion papers frm whr should i download?? Im giving i
    Dat exam in eng language….so plzz as soon as help me with this

  58. Rashmitha says:

    sir in maths and reasoning what are d topics will be covered..? and which is best book for FDA and SDA reference ..?

  59. sharanu says:

    Sir please we want computer model questione paper

  60. Basavaraj. G.B. says:

    Sir plz when the exam date will be announce.

  61. abbu says:

    Sir when admit cards of SDA exam is given in net.

  62. Asha says:

    Hello team.

    I had seen the time table, 03-10-2015 has paper 4 computer literacy and paper 1 compalsory kannada for both FDA aand SDA… Is the same paper is considered for both SDA & FDA post???? because i applied for both the exams… Kindly reply ASAP

    Thanking you

    • Please note: Paper 1 (Compulsory Kannada) and Paper 4 (Computer Literacy) are common papers. But, Paper 4 is applicable only for candidates those who have applied for the posts of Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation.

      • Mahesh says:

        Sir is the Computer Literacy test treated as an exam to pass or will the marks be counted in the final result. I need some clarification on the exam pattern sir as it is not provided anywhere in the official website.

        • Computer Literacy test is only those who have applied for the posts of Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants in KFCS. It is compulsory paper for them. It must be cleared to get the eligibility. For SDA and FDA this paper is not applicable.

          • Mahesh says:

            By clearing means what is the marks one should obtain out of 100? I am quite unsure of this.

          • You must read the entire notification for this..

          • Mahesh says:

            Is it possible to share a link or a model question paper of computer literacy test?

  63. kiran kumar says:

    Sir I have applied for fda . I studied Kannada medium up to SSLC weather I have to write comoulsary Kannada exam or not?………. And please tell me wat are the papers I will be facing in FDA exam.

    • Yes. Paper-1 Compulsory Kannada is mandatory for all the applicants. But, if you have mentioned that Kannada Medium Student during the application process, you are exempted to pass the same paper.

      For FDA, you need to face Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3.

      For details refer: FDA Time Table

  64. pooja says:

    Plz gv the time table in english. N i hv applied fr sda n opted fr english. Is kannada compulsory??? Plzz help me to knw abt dis

    • Paper-1 Kannada is compulsory for all the applicants.

      • pooja says:

        Bt i cnt read kannada then hw cm i can clear dis paper??

        • You must understand that, the recruitment is going on for Karnataka State only! So, obviously you also must know the Kannada language for these posts to meet the eligibility criteria.

          • pooja says:

            Ohh.. Then i may nt clear dis…during the online form filling procedure kpsc asked whether the applicant has studied kannada or not and for this i ticked no….! I hv nt studied in kannada medium..n according to the form theres it is written that hv u passd kannada language as 1st or 2nd or optnl subjct in sslc or highr exmntn( bt nt one of the subjct in a cmposite paper) if so u need nt to take the compulsory kannada examination.

          • Studying in Kannada is not mandatory for these posts. But if you studied Kannada as 1st, or 2nd or optional subject in SSLC or higher studies, you’ll be exempted to pass the Kannada Compulsory Paper; for this during the online registration you must be opted ‘yes’ (for Studied Kannada language as a language in education). If you opted ‘no’, then you must clear the compulsory Kannada paper here.

  65. sushmitha says:

    hi sir plz send me the previous years question papers of the FDA/SDA exam to my email id

  66. pradeep says:

    sir plz send me d compulsarry kannada qtn papers

  67. pradeep says:

    When can i download the hall ticket

  68. Naveen Kumar says:


    I have studied Kannada as second language in SSLC so by the rules of KPSC I don’t need to write the compulsory Kannada exam am I correct?? If not Pls give me clear picture..

    Thank you.

    • No. Your view is not correct. You have to write the compulsory Kannada paper, but not compulsory to clear that paper.

      • Mahesh says:

        Sir I dont understand what you are saying. I have opted YES in the application form since I have scored 100/100 marks in 2nd language kannada in SSLC. Also in my hall ticket, Compulsory Kannada and the venue is not mentioned. Then how will I write the exam??

  69. Akshata says:

    Dear team,
    I need previous or model question paper of kannada compulsory exam of fda and sda

  70. Sangeetha says:

    Hi Sir,

    Sangeetha here, all the documents which are mentioned in the application we should keep ready before the exam or after knowing the results of written exams? Pls confirm….

    • Sangeetha says:

      Hi Sir,

      I studied in kannada medium applied for FDA & I have downloaded the admission ticket also in that Compulsory Kannada exam is not mentioned but you told like writting kannada exam is compulsory so pls confirm…..

    • All the documents should be valid on or before the last date of the online registration. And, it will be asked to produce during the document verification process, which will be done only after the written examination.

  71. chaithra says:

    Hi Sir ,
    My self chaithra I want to know about computer examination it will contain more difficulty or basic examination.

  72. harish says:

    Sir i forgot to download my application form….
    Is it necessary during document verification…?

  73. Rajesha E says:

    dear sir…

    naan sslc kannada 1st language thagondidde … but applcn fill madbekadre NO antha kot bittidini… naan compulasary kannada paper na clear madlebeka……

    • What are the papers displayed in your admission ticket?

      You required to appear all the papers displayed in your admission ticket.

  74. Naveen Kumar says:

    Hello Sir,

    I have downloaded the hall ticket ,in that compulsory Kannada exam is not mentioned then how can I write compulsory Kannada exam.. So you are misleading the aspirants or am I understood in wrong way don’t know please confirm the doubt on compulsory Kannada exam.Even I cannot write Kannada exam because it is not mentioned in my hall ticket..

    • KINDLY ATTENTION: Dear Candidates, CoastalHut Team apologies for the wrongly statement given on part of the Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1). Candidates those who have studied Kannada as a 1st, 2nd or optional subject in SSLC or above courses NOT required to appear for Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1). Applicants only needs to appear those the papers which is displayed in the actual admit cards. [Updated on: 24.09.2015]

  75. chandan says:

    Is the comp literacy test, a qualifying paper or is its marks counted for the final marks?

  76. pushpa says:

    sir i have studied kannada as 1st language in SSLC. i need to write Kannada compulsary exam

  77. harish says:

    Sir i dont have my application form…
    Please give me any suggestions…

    • You may contact any of the helpline numbers of KPSC in this regard. You can find the helpline numbers here: Find KPSC Helpline Numbers

  78. harish says:

    Sir i have studied kannada as a first language but in hall ticket they have mentioned compulsory kannada exam…
    Should i write that compulsory kannada exam…?

  79. harish says:

    Sir i have studied kannada as a first language but in my hall ticket they have mentioned compulsory kannada and compulsory English exam and both exam starts at same time…
    Which exam should i write…?

  80. vinod says:

    sir how many papers are there?and let me know what is the minimum marks we should take per papers?

  81. Naveen Kumar says:

    Thank you for your clarification otherwise it had been so mess about compulsory Kannada exam ..I appreciate your effort All the best for your CoastalHut team.

    • Thank you for your support. We try the maximum level efforts to give the appropriate directions; although we recommend the candidates to refer the official notification which is also made available at the bottom of every job notifications.

  82. Asha says:

    Sir i ve forgot to download my application form…so hw can i get it downloaded..so plz do help in it…

    • The provision of downloading application is closed now. You may contact any of the KPSC helpline numbers for assistance. Find Helpline Numbers

    • harish says:

      Hii asha….
      Did u find any other ways to download application form…?

      • Asha.V says:

        No harish i didn’t find any way to get it downloaded. Wat abt u did u find any way… Mostly v ve to contact fr the helpline num..oly…nw i dono whch papr to write either gen eng r gen kan….if u find any way let me knw…

        • harish says:

          I already spoke with kpsc asha….
          They said application is compulsory during document verification…


    sir, am from english medium and my second language was kannada.. so now is kannada or english language which have to select.. i have confusion whether eng or kan or both..

  84. kishor says:

    sir i want sda fda question paper with answer please help me sir

  85. Kumar says:

    Hi CostalHut Team,
    All Subject Question papers are in both Kannada and English version and we can select the language whichever we want.
    My understanding is correct?

  86. veekshitha says:

    Hai coastal hut,
    In my admit card , they mentioned for computer proficiency test, is it required to attend? I studied diploma in electronics and communication engg. If so, wh type of questions I can expect in that exam. Please help me to get the details.

  87. Nuzhath says:

    Hello Sir, I have applied for both FDA and SDA exam 2015. My admission ticket shows only 4 papers-

    On 3-10-2015
    Paper 1: Computer lieteracy
    Paper 2: Compulsary Kannada

    On 4-10-2015
    Paper 3: General Knowledge
    Paper 4: General English

    Is this for FDA or SDA. If its for FDA then what about SDA exam. Please reply asap.

    • It’s simple! You can check on the first column of the admission ticket for the posts you have applied. It is clearly displayed the posts for which you are writing exam is..

      Further assistance Find KPSC Helpline Numbers

  88. Sindhu says:

    Sir, I didn’t select in which language to write either General Kannada or GGeneral English while filling the application form so now in which language I should write in exam..

    • Sorry! We doesn’t have suitable answer for you right moment. Kindly contact KPSC Helpline

    • Mahesh says:

      No one has selected.. They didn’t provide an option.. So I am expecting it’s selected in the exam hall..

  89. Rajani says:

    Sir there is a negative marking system in a fda n sda exam

  90. Sunitha says:

    If u any one have computer model question paper

  91. prabhakar.p says:


  92. murthy says:

    good job mr admin…

  93. murthy says:

    good job mr admin

  94. Nazia says:

    What is the difference btw call letter and admit card?? I guess both are same.. I am correct???

  95. sheetal says:

    compulsory kannada paper is for those candidates who didnt had kannada as first or second language in sslc. if you have passed sslc with kannada as 1st or 2nd language then there is no need to write exam which you have already mentioned in application if you said no in application then you need to write exam. then computer literacy paper is for candidates who have applied for senior assistant post of kfcs it is not related to fda/sda. some of you had confusion regarding general english/general kannada paper so if you are english medium student then you read question paper in english and if you are kannada medium student read question paper in kannada

    • Bharath NS says:

      Thanks… I hope, Compulsory Kannada is not mandatory to attend even in 2017 exams? Right? I assume the rules are the same…

  96. murthy says:

    exam is very easy

  97. Deepa says:

    Pls sir/madam send us answer keys of sda/fda computer literacy exam. Eager to know the answers. Thank you.

    • Mahesh says:

      Do you know what was the cut off for computer literacy test

    • varsha says:

      How was the general knowledge and english paper for all of you. and in computer literacy test, how much should we secure for passing. how is it calculated.

      • Mahesh says:

        73 in gk and 71 in general English… What about you guys

  98. varsha says:

    when can we expect results.

  99. raghu says:

    GM.. my score genaral Kannada 80 and gk 69

    • mahesh says:

      good score raghu. What will be the cutoff for GM category? Any idea? Coastal hut team? Total number of vacancies for GM students in FDA/SA?

  100. sheetal says:

    we should get 32 marks in computer literacy to become eligible

  101. sheetal says:

    hi mahesh do you know the answers correctly?

    • mahesh says:

      I have searched for answers for all.. Still I have doubt in some which I have not counted in the total. But pretty much all answers are straight forward.

  102. Siddu says:

    Guys any update regarding the cut off marks of FDA 2015?

  103. Vijay says:

    Dear sir…..

    Please send the fda 2015 key answer sheet

  104. raghu says:

    Mahesh nimdhu score esstu…last time FDA cut off nodhre 155 above madhre GM nalli job madbhodhu

    • Mahesh says:

      Hi raghu … Naanu gk paper alli 71 correct maadideeni.. English paper alli 74 correct maadideeni..

    • Mahesh says:

      Neevu last time 155 andiddu marks or questions?

  105. Vinee says:

    Hi frns, most if d people saying dat fda gk paper was leaked before exam starts, media persin also saying like dis, so no hope..

  106. Rsk says:

    Getting 160 in SDA 2A cat any hope

  107. Rsk says:

    Is 160 a safe score for SDA exam 2A category friends

  108. sunil says:

    160 is good score

  109. Akshata says:

    Hi all can anyone please upload the fda and sda key answers

  110. sunil says:

    Kpsc announce fda sda key answers check website n update your score

  111. Anjan says:

    Exactly 150 SDA (gk-69,English-81) 2AK good or bad

    • Mahesh says:

      Marks or questions? U r talking about number of questions or marks

    • Mahesh says:

      Hi friends.. Checked answer keys.. FDA Computer literacy 55 questions.. General knowledge 66 questions.. General English 71 questions.. General merit.. Will I clear??

  112. YADANNA.H.C.K says:

    what cut off for hydrabad Karnataka With computer SDA cut off plz

  113. sheetal says:

    where to update score

  114. sheetal says:

    FDA computer literacy-46 gk-46 and general english -64 cat 1 Hk region any chance?

  115. sunil says:

    Expected cutoff gm above 150

  116. YADANNA.H.C.K says:

    I get 147 marks Kannada & gramin in Hyderabad Karnataka
    SDA with computer may I get job ?

  117. Madhusudan T poojar says:

    sir how many posts are vacant in sda food and civil supplies department…

  118. Sindhu says:

    Sir I don’t know Kannada. But i have applied for the KPSC post. Do I want to study Kannada?

  119. Bharath NS says:

    Hi Admin.
    Is the Compulsory Kannada rules apply for FDA & SDA in 2017 exams? or should i write Kannada paper??? Need a reply.

    Thanks in Advance.

  120. vaish says:

    I ve not choosed general kannada/ general english which i should write?

  121. Shabbir says:

    Sir need sda more question papers.

  122. priya says:

    i don’t know kannada.. how i clear this exam??? plz help me about this.. i want to clear this KPSC exam.
    please suggest me book or any method to understand (read/write) kannada language & get success in clearing this kannada language exam.

    • We’re wondering! If you don’t know Kannada, how do you get the eligibility to this exam??

      Well, Kannada is an easiest language. If you reside in Karnataka, you can get the help of any educated “Kannadigas” for your assistance. Or alternatively, you may consult any of the primary school teachers on their free time (Kannada Subject Teachers) in your locality.

      • Nandini says:


        Am studied in kannada medium from 1st to 10th std is paper 1 (compulsory kannada) mandatory to write?

        Can you please share me the question paper for paper 1.

  123. Thanuja G says:

    I have passed kannada as third language in SSLC and kannada as first language in PUC and Degree. Should I take compulsory kannada paper. Pls answer as early as possible.

    Thanking you

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