Diploma / ITI JobsGovt. JobsRailway Jobs

South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015 – Engagement of 663 ITI Candidates – Apply Now!

SR_RailwaySouth Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015: Engagement of passed out ITI candidates as Act. Apprentices under the Apprentices Act. 1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training in Workshops and other units of South Eastern Railway.

Apprentices will be engaged in the following trades:

  1. Fitter
  2. Turner
  3. Electrician
  4. Welder (G&E)
  5. Mechanic (Dsl)
  6. Machinist
  7. Painter(G)
  8. Ref. & AC. Mech.
  9. Forger & Heat Treater
  10. MMTM
  11. Cable Jointer/Crane Operator
  12. Carpenter

Eligibility for Railway Jobs:

  1. Education Qualification
    1. Matriculation (Matriculate or 10th class in 10+02 examination system recognized by Board i.e. CBSE/India or any other recognized Board with minimum 50% marks (excluding additional subjects) and ITI certificate in the relevant trade affiliated to NCVT compulsory in relevant trade.
  2. Age Limits:
    1. The candidates should have completed 15 years  (Minimum) of age and should not have completed 24 years (Maximum) of age as on 01.01.2015.
    2. Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates, 3 years in case of OBC candidates and 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates.
    3. Upper age limit is relaxable by additional 10 years for ex-serviceman up to the extent of service rendered in Defense Forces plus 03 years provided they have put in a minimum of 06 months service at a stretch, except Ex-serviceman who have already joined the Govt. service on Civil side after availing of servicemen status for the purpose of their engagement.

How to apply?

    1. The Application Form & Call letter as per given format should be neatly typed or filled up in all respect in own handwriting
      1. Write with ball point pen either in English or Hindi
      2. Use A-4 size paper
      3. Attach one passport size photograph (without color glass or sunglass) to application and photo is duly signed on the top by the candidate and attested by the Gazetted Officer of Central or State Govt. and bearing office seal, should be submitted along with the application.
    2. Copies of all certificates viz. proof of date of birth, educational / technical qualification Certificate, Mark sheet of Matriculation, Caste Certificate, PH Certificate, Ex-Servicemen Certificate, OBC Certificate, creamy Layer Certificate duly self attested and also by a Gazetted Officer of Central or State Govt. and bearing office seal, should be submitted along with the application.
    3. An account payee Bank Draft on any Nationalized Bank or Postal order drawn in favour of FA & CAO, South Eastern Railway/Garden Reach, payable at Kolkata amounting to Rs. 100/- as a processing fee which is not refundable / transferable under any circumstances should be enclosed along with the Application Form. It is NOT required for candidate belonging to SC/ST/PH/Ex.Serviceman, Women, Minorities & Economically backward classes.
    4. Two self-addressed envelopes (size 11”X5”) duly affixed with Rs. 5/- postage stamp on each envelope should be accompanied with the Application Form.
    5. All the applications should be in closed – envelope super scribing on the top “Application for Training under Apprentice Act.”
    6. Application should be sent to Workshop Personnel Officer, South Eastern Railway, Kharagpur, District- Paschim Medinipur, Pin Code 721301, West Bengal.

Last Date to Reach Filled Application Forms: 08.06.2015 by 4.00 PM


  1. Official Notification & Application Format (Download)

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  1. Rajesh: says:

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    • Iranna p shigihalli says:

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      post ambadagatti 591112

  3. mahesh says:

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  4. manjunath says:

    i have finished iti with 69%

  5. rudresh says:

    i has been dicontinoued diploma 2 nd year if u have any job pls replay me sir


    iti electrician

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